Elden Ring: Sorceries and Incantations (River Ainsel) - list of all Elden Ring guide, walkthrough
This page of the Elden Ring guide contains a list of all the sorceries and incantations you can find in the Ainsel River. You can get there by using the Ainsel River Well.
Last update: 26 May 2022
Key points of Elden Ring Map - Ainsel River - Sorceries and Incantations
On this page of our Elden Ring guide, you can find a list of all Sorceries and Incantations appearing in Ainsel River, an underground region accessible after using Ainsel River Well. We list the spells and show how to get the individual ones.
To use sorceries, you need to have a staff equipped and have the chosen spell placed in a memory slot, which is done at any Site of Grace. The same applies to Incantations, except in that case you need Talismans or Seals.
There is a single Incantation to find in Ainsel River region. Unfortunately, there are no Sorceries to find in this region.
Incantations - Frozen Lightning Spear [1]

Travel to the marked area. To get the spell, defeatDragonkin Soldier of Nokstella .