Sword of Convallaria (SoC) - Inanna Build, Godly Healer
In this guide we present a perfect build for Inanna. A healer in Sword of Convallaria.

Sword of Convallaria is full of interesting characters. Because of that we have prepared a tier list and reroll guide to help you pick the best of them. Moreover, you can check out our builds for the most powerful heroes and heroines, such as Maitha, Beryl, Gloria, Dantalion, Col, Faycal, Momo, Rawiyah, Alexei, Angel or Crimson Falcon, Garcia, Nungal, Samantha, Edda or Tempest (you can also check out the concise version of all those builds here). It is not the end of the list though, as in this guide we write about Inanna. A skillful healer.
Sword of Convallaria – Inanna Build, Godly Healer
Keep in mind that you should prioritize skills which are the best for your playstyle. Moreover, picking one skill is not the end of the world as there is a currency called Castalia. If you happen to have any, you might want to use it for Inanna.
Let’s look at some useful skills for Inanna:
- RK1 – Princess’s Prayer is a good choice in this case. Allowing an ally to act again is a very good ability itself, but the skill adds some buffs, too.
- RK3 – You really can’t go wrong with that. Princess’s Comfort may be a slightly better skill, but at the end pick the one, which suits your playstyle better.
- RK5 – Battlefield Trial is the ability with the bigger potential here. It decreases all DMG by 8% and buffs the character if an opponent dies in her vicinity. What’s not to like?
- RK7 – As we want Inanna to be our support character, Soul Mate is definitely a better option here because it buffs allies.
- RK9 – Again, there are other DMG dealing characters, let’s allow Inanna do her job as a healer. Pick Merciful Strike here.
- RK11 – Flee of the Princess is the proper choice in this case. It is an ultimate skill if everything goes bad.