Cyberpunk 2077: The Ripperdoc walkthrough Cyberpunk 2077 guide, walkthrough
Last update: 15 December 2020
On this page of our guide for Cyberpunk 2077 you will find a detailed walkthrough for the mission called The Ripperdoc.
After the last job V is not feeling well. He thinks he got hit by some kind of virus when he connected to Sandra Dorsett's biomonitor. He decides to go to the ripper (Vik) to check it out.
Meet with Jackie

Go out on the street to meet with Jackie. The man will inform you that he has found another job, this time much bigger. The client is Dexter DeShawn and will he provide you with all relevant information personally.
Drive to ripperdoc

Sit behind the wheel and drive straight to the ripperdoc. While driving, take a look at the mini map to make sure you are driving in the right direction.

Once you get there, go to Misty's store to meet Viktor. When learn what you need, the ripperdoc will invite you to the chair and install some new implants, not to mention removing the malignant virus. The Ripperdoc will be completed.