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Essays 01 August 2024, 00:01

author: Przemyslaw Zamecki

Hades. 18 best games for Nintendo Switch

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The magnum opus of Supergiant Games? At the moment yes, after all the second installment hasn't yet been released from early access. - Best games for Switch - 18 great games for Nintendo console - document - 2024-07-31
The magnum opus of Supergiant Games? At the moment yes, after all the second installment hasn't yet been released from early access.
  1. Genre: Hornbeam
  2. Play if: you like both "roguelikes" and good storylines
  3. Don't play, because: you will fall into a constant whirlwind of life and death, which is difficult to get out of
  4. Similar games: Transistor, Bastion, Dead Cells, The Binding of Isaac
  1. Developer: Supergiant Games
  2. Release date: September 17, 2020

It's rare for an indie game to win the title of game of the year and thus beat the biggest AAA titles, but players left no doubt - Hades was for many of them the best thing that happened to the world of electronic entertainment in 2020. Why? The answer to this question is quite simple.

The game excels at everything - from gameplay, through the story, to the technological aspects. At its core, we are dealing with an action RPG game disguised as an indie game. We keep exploring dungeons, killing enemies along the way, and collecting items and money, then we die, upgrade our character and repeat this game loop until we are bored. And this won't come fast, I assure you.

The combat and progression systems have been designed flawlessly, the game has the characteristic Supergiant Games cartoon aesthetic, whilst the story of Zagreus, the rebel son of Hades, trying to escape from hell to meet his mother, is seamlessly integrated into the gameplay, raising no concerns about ludonarrative dissonance. Hades on the Switch is even more fun, because you can boot up the game for half an hour while on your way somewhere and kick your annoying father's butt, which is enough to get your daily dose of adrenaline.

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