Norland: Lords management Norland guide, tips
Managing and giving orders to your lords is one of the pillars of Norland gameplay. On this page you will find a range of basic information and advice to help you run your kingdom properly.
Last update: 18 July 2024
Lords play a key role in Norland. The player's will is implemented through them, and they control the actions of the entire community as stewards. On this guide page, we describe the most important information related to lord management, which will help you efficiently organize the entire settlement.
King and Lords

The king is the central figure in your noble family. The ruler leads your kingdom with a golden crown on his head, managing the work of the other nobles. The Holy Rings in the kingdom's equipment, symbolizing wealth and prosperity, are his exclusive property until he gives them to another noble or one of his lords.
Unlike other lords, the king has a number of special activities that he can undertake. You will find them in the "King" tab after selecting the "Action" button in the window of another character. As a king, you can, for instance:
- revoke lordship title;
- give title to a child, knight, or a freelancer lord;
- hand over leadership to another lord;
- reward a subject lord;
- threaten a subject lord;
- give a gift;
- punish.
The effectiveness of these actions is related to the monarch's personal skills. Their role in international relations is crucial, as the relationship between the two rulers of the kingdoms directly reflects their personal relationship. Messages, proposals, and actions addressed to other leaders are always carried out in the king's name, and their success is closely related to his skills. Therefore, the ruler's primary skill should be persuasion, as it directly impacts the ruler's influence on other characters. When transferring power to the heir to the throne, make sure that the pretender has sufficiently developed this trait.
A woman can ascend to the throne of the kingdom, but the patriarchal society of Norland will likely be reluctant to accept such a situation. All the queen's children automatically receive the status of bastards (they are treated worse by other lords). The Queen will also not maintain complete authority after getting married. However, the queen's high manners factor will enable her to effectively conduct foreign policy using seduction.

Lords answer to the king. You can find their icons in the upper corner of the game screen, and it is with them that you will rule the kingdom. The basic way to do this will be to give them commands.
How to give tasks to lords?

If you want to assign a task to the king or one of the lords, open the menu of the building you are interested in or the character you want to interact with. On the right side of the window, a plus button labeled "Action" or "Instructions" will appear. Choose the action that interests you from the expanding table, and then select a person to handle the specific task.

The game will show you the anticipated outcomes of a specific lord's actions when it comes to activities that depend on the skills of a particular character. This will allow you to assign the right person to the right task.

Also remember that some actions can only be performed by the king. This applies to interactions with other lords, rulers, and the administration of punishments.
How to take care of the needs of lords?

The nobles, like other inhabitants of your kingdom, have their own private needs. Their fulfillment is necessary for them to perform their duties efficiently. In extreme cases, an unhappy or neglected noble may refuse to perform given tasks.
You can view the basic needs of the lords by clicking on the portrait of the selected character and then choosing the second tab from the left in the window labeled "Needs." You can assess the nobleman's current well-being from the charts on the left. These statistics are:
- Mood - a general indicator of a lord's well-being. If it falls below 25 points, the character becomes unhappy. This state brings with it several consequences, starting with reluctance to perform assigned tasks, decreased loyalty, deterioration of relationships with others, and even a nervous breakdown (the character becomes aggressive and may attack others). If you want to improve the lord's mood, you can, for example, feed him better food (meat and beer instead of rutabaga and moonshine), encourage him to spend time with family members, or give him Holy Rings.
- Sleep - a factor replenished every night when the lord goes to sleep.
- Food - the lord will consume one unit of food per day. The characters do this automatically, retrieving meals from the warehouse at the headquarters.
- Rest - unlike the physical need for sleep, this need relates to mental fatigue. It slowly recharges when the lord is idle, but a much faster way to replenish the bar is to consume alcohol.
- Sex - the need for physical intimacy. It is satisfied by dates, which are a derivative of successful flirting. For two characters to start flirting with each other, their mutual interest rating must be over 50 points. If the need for physical intimacy is very high and the lord is unable to find a partner, you can consider seeking paid companionship with one of their subjects (payment in Holy Rings). However, such an act is considered a sin and entails many consequences (long-term negative thoughts affecting the character's mood and deterioration of relationships with other characters).
- Piety - the need for spirituality is fulfilled through prayer. You will improve the effectiveness of prayers by building altars and temples.

To the right of the statistics you will find a summary of the lord's thoughts. These are temporary and dynamically changing statuses that positively or negatively affect the character's mood. When you hover your cursor over one of them, a window will appear that will explain the causes of a given condition in more detail. You can also learn from the descriptions of negative statuses what will help you remove them.
Try to regularly monitor the needs of your characters and continuously eliminate the causes of negative thoughts.
If a lord's mood level is high (above 80%), it enables them to become a loyalist (with their loyalty rating always at its maximum) and may also lead to experiencing an insight (spontaneous emergence of new knowledge) or inspiration (increasing the lord's skill stats by 5 until the end of the day).