Shadow of the Erdtree: How to drain the Shadow Keep? Elden Ring guide, walkthrough
How to lower the water level in the Church District in Shadow of the Erdtree? Our guide to Elden Ring will tell you how to drain the eastern part of the fortress of the Shadow Keep - we show you how to reach the mechanism for draining the water and how to unlock the passage to the Avatar of the Erdtree.
Last update: 03 July 2024
The flooded eastern part of the Shadow Keep in the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC for Elden Ring can be a problem. On this page of the guide, we have included complete instructions on how to lower the water level in the Church District - you will be able to fully explore this location and gain access to the location with the Scadutree Avatar boss.
- How to reach the Church District Entrance in Shadow Keep?
- Lowering the water level in the Church District
- Rewards for draining the district and reaching the Scadutree Avatar
How to reach the Church District Entrance in Shadow Keep?

- You cannot explore 100% of the Shadow Keep, available in the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC, right away. The entire Church District in the eastern part of the keep is flooded. You must first get there and then follow the steps to lower the water level.
- First, each the eastern part of the Scadu Altus region- you can do this by going east from the Bonny Village. There you will find the Church District Highroad Site of Grace.
- Head north-west. In the place shown in picture 2 there is a tunnel leading to the Shadow Keep. Use it and you will reach the Church District Entrance Site of Grace.
There is an elevator next to the Site of Grace. It is inactive by default and you can use it only after draining the water.
Lowering the water level in the Church District
Related map marker: Water level rotating mechanism - Church District @ Shadow of the Erdtree

- Don't jump into the water, because you will die immediately. You can jump on floating objects, adjacent ledges and roofs of flooded buildings. Head north-west.
- In the place shown in the picture, make a more difficult jump to land on the crooked element of the structure and climb up.

- Ultimately, you need to reach a hole in the roof shown in the image. Check the area below you carefully and land on one of the lower elements of the structure instead of in the water. Walk through the concrete arch to make a second jump and reach a new part of the keep.

- The further path is quite linear, but after reaching the walls, make two small jumps over the water. You need to reach the rotating mechanism from the pictures above - this is the southern part of the Church District.

- Using the rotating mechanism will open the floodgates and drain excess water. You will see this in a short cut-scene.
Rewards for draining the district and reaching the Scadutree Avatar

- From this point you can jump down or take the elevators to the lowest level of the eastern part of the Shadow Keep.
- In the newly unlocked part of the Church District you will find a new Site of Grace, new monsters (including 2 larger Ulcerated Tree Spirits) and new loot.

- Draining the water in the Church District is also required to unlock the passage to the Scadutree Avatar boss - this fight is described on the Scadutree Avatar page in the Bosses chapter.
- In the northern part of the church district, find an elevator traveling to the Tree-Worship Passage (picture above). Go further north and you will reach the boss's lair.