Cyberpunk 2077: Where to lead Flathead? Cyberpunk 2077 guide, walkthrough
Last update: 21 July 2023
On this page of our guide for Cyberpunk 2077 you will find a solution for the puzzle with leading the Flathead. We are talking about the job called The Heist, in which V and Jackie infiltrate a luxury hotel.

The idea behind this puzzle is to lead Flathead to the netrunner and hack him. You will start the puzzle in the hotel room, which the characters will reach by elevator shortly after their arrival at the hotel. Turn on the scanner and find the first ventilation grid in the hotel room.

Flathead will go towards the grid and enter the ventilation shafts. From T-Bug you will learn that the bot has problems crossing the shafts and you will have to take manual control. Get a splinter from Jackie, which will be used to control the robot.

Wait until the image stops for a longer time in one of their hotel rooms. Scan the grid at the ceiling at the opposite end of the room. Then give Flathead a command to head for it.

In the next room there are maids whose presence will make your job a bit more difficult. The ventilation grid is at the windows on the left side, but Flathead cannot reach it immediately.

Start scanning other objects in the room. Take an interest in the terrarium controller marked in the picture. Send Flathead there, and order it to lower the temperature in the terrarium.
After the maid goes to check the controller, send the bot to the newly unlocked ventilation grid to the left of the terrarium.

The next section is very simple - identify the nearby ventilation grid and send the bot to it.

Next in order is the monitoring room. Locate the large door and instruct Flathead to open it. The attempt will fail, but you still had to try.

After hearing T-Bug's comment, locate the CCTV port and send the bot there to jack into it.

You will unlock the option to switch between cameras. Select a camera from the adjacent room. You will see image from the room with the netrunner. If you have at least 4 points of Intelligence you can choose a unique dialog option. Otherwise, listen to T-Bug's action plan.

Scan the ventilation grid on the left side of the room with the netrunner.

Return to the camera from the previous room, i.e. the one where the bot is currently waiting. Mark the ventilation grid in the floor - scan it and send Flathead there.

Once again, switch on image from the room with netrunner. Wait for Flathead to appear here. Lock on to netrunner's chair. Scan it and send the bot to approachi it. After Flathead "grabs" the netrunner the puzzle will be solved.