Cyberpunk 2077: Game length Cyberpunk 2077 guide, walkthrough
Last update: 29 October 2020
On this guide page, you will find information on how long it will take to finish Cyberpunk 2077. We have prepared several different values, e.g. for the main storyline itself, getting the platinum trophy, or discovering all the secrets and exploring the world in 100 percent.

- Cyberpunk 2077 is a game with a significantly shorter main storyline than the Witcher 3. The authors motivate this change by the desire to increase the percentage of players who complete the whole game. However, it will still be a huge production with many significant choices affecting the course of the quests and with different play styles. All of this should motivate you to complete the entire campaign more than once.
- If you want to finish the main story quickly, it can be done in about 20 hours. This is possible because the game does not block access to later main story quests, and you don't have to grind to complete further missions. However, it should be noted that by finishing the game too quickly, you won't be able to unlock all the endings.
- If you want to complete all quests related to the endings, you must spend about 35 hours with the game. This is about additional missions related to the important main characters of the game. This is recommended, as you will be able to choose between endings and watch more than one.
- On the map of Night City, there is a lot of markers of side quests and activities. You can also receive numerous optional missions that aren't related to the main story. In each of the city districts, dozens of different missions and optional activities await you. If you want to explore the whole world thoroughly and 100% complete the game, it will certainly take you over 100 hours.
- In Cyberpunk 2077 there are no "classic" collectables. You don't have to spend a lot of time finding hundreds of similar secrets. The only big category of secrets are murals / tarot cards. However, finding them is not very troublesome, as they appear on the map as you travel through the city.
- The length of the game is significantly influenced by the style of play you choose. If you are planning to fight in direct combats, you will be able to pass through enemy-occupied locations faster. This style of play is, of course, associated with a higher risk of sudden death. Playing with a stealth character who hacks a lot can significantly increase the game time.
- The difficulty level is also able to lengthen the campaign. Low and normal levels of difficulty are not very challenging, and most fights or duels with bosses can be won with the first approach. This can change by choosing high or very high difficulty levels. Even if you improve your character, you can expect frequent deaths. The game will require careful planning of each step.
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