author: Radek Wacha
Discover University. Sims 4 DLCs that are worth your money
Table of Contents

- Release Date: November 15, 2019
- DLC type: add-on
- Price: digital PC version for $39.99
- Key changes: the possibility of studying at one of two universities, dormitory, and robots
- New ways to kill sims: death by overexertion
- Consider buying if: you want to experience college life and create a Servo
Many people consider the time of studying to be the best period in life, especially when it involves full-time studies and living in a dormitory. You know - crazy parties with a lot of booze, wild ideas, meetings with friends, often first loves, and only somewhere in the background actual learning. A sim sent to the university will also experience most of these things.
Everything starts with the recruitment process. After a while, you will receive a response with a personalized list of directions (some of which are prestigious). The letter will also include information about whether we will be granted the scholarship we had to apply for earlier. It's great that there are not just one but two universities available. We are talking about the Foxbury Institute and Britechester University. The differences are significant. The first institution is modern, while the second one respects tradition.
We also have the option to live in one of several student houses. The devs even thought about the option of taking... a student loan. Remember not to spend all your money on stupid things! (Optional)
Unfortunately, classes aren't an interactive part of the game but a rabbit hole. During lectures, the Sim simply disappears from the location, and we have to wait for them to return. Only between classes do we get the opportunity to do homework or prepare a presentation for a test. It's a great pity, but you can't have everything. It should be kept in mind that the add-on Discover University was developed in 2019, not "yesterday." Although many new DLCs also feature such bad solutions.
The aspect of student life unrelated to the acquisition of knowledge has been much more developed. In the student club, you can meet new friends and spend time on pleasant activities, including drinking (not the juice, though).
An element worth mentioning is the new race of Servos. These are humanoid robots that can be upgraded. Be cautious to prevent Servos from entering the water, as it can destroy our metal companion. Continuing on this subject, it's important to mention the new skill of robotics and the career of an engineer. The new skills don't end there, but I'll leave the rest for you to discover.

Discover University adds new place for hanky-panky; A shower. However, it's not a great setting for playing around with a robot, as that is also possible. Servos are a very interesting aspect of the gameplay. Their emotions are depicted on a screen instead of a face, and they require periodic charging, which is one of their four needs. Besides, robots need to be maintained, have company, and have access to entertainment.