Cyberpunk 2077: Rogue Amendiares - romance/sex Cyberpunk 2077 guide, walkthrough
Last update: 23 February 2021
This page of the Cyberpunk 2077 game guide tells you how to start a romance with Rogue Amendiares. You will find out who she is, under what circumstances you can strengthen your bond with her, as well as whether you will have the option to kiss Rogue and start a relationship with her.
The site contains some spoilers about Johnny Silverhand and his presence in the game. We recommend completing at least the first act of the campaign before you start reading this page. This will allow you to understand Johnny's role in the game and what his relationship with V is like.

Rogue Amendiares is an older woman who is a fixer in Night City from 2077 and the owner of club Afterlife. You will initially encounter Rogue while completing certain main story missions during the game. Later on in the campaign you will also have the opportunity to play Rogue's quest line.

Rogue is a former close friend of Johnny Silverhand. Interestingly enough, during the quests requiring you to relive Johnny's memories you will have the chance to encounter a much younger Rogue. This is due to the fact that these are events that occurred several decades ago (the accompanying image includes an example of a scene from 2013). In 2077 Rogue is already over 80 years old, but thanks to advanced treatments she looks much younger and still has a lot of vigor.

V cannot strengthen his personal relationship with Rogue. The only opportunity to view romantic scenes in which she participates is to temporarily grant Johnny control over your body.
To go on a date with Rogue, you are required to get the "good" ending of the side job Chippin' In, which becomes available as you approach the finale of the campaign. Only the final scene of this job, which takes place in the oil fields, is important. You must maintain a positive relationship with Johnny, by fulfilling the requirements listed below:
- Placing a positive / neutral inscription on Johnny's makeshift tombstone.
- Selecting positive / neutral dialogue options during conversations with Johnny.

If you have acted accordingly, Johnny will ask V to invite Rogue on a date on his behalf. This will initiate another side job related to the meeting with Rogue - Blistering Love.

As part of the new job, Blistering Love, you have to call Rogue, tell her that Johnny wants to meet her and pick her up at the Afterlife club. You can pick up Rogue for the date using any vehicle of your choosing, but Johnny's Porsche will incite a unique reaction from her.
After meeting up with Rogue, choose any answer to when Johnny should "take over". Go to the drive-in cinema in North Oak in Westbrook.

The Blistering Love job requires you to open the door leading to the abandoned location (the door code is 0000) and then reaching the projector room. After V interacts with the projector panel and then swallows a pill, Johnny Silverhand will take a hold of their body.

The date with Rogue involves watching a movie together, but in the meantime, of course, you have the option to talk to her. During the conversation, you can choose any dialogue options, e.g. regretting the missed opportunity to enter into a relationship with Rogue in the past.

After some time you will get the option to kiss Rogue.

A hot kissing scene with Rogue will start playing.

Rogue will interrupt the kissing scene and you cannot prevent her from doing so in any way. You can ask her about the reason behind her reaction and she will explain that she cannot pretend that nothing has changed in the decades since her last meeting with Johnny while he was still alive.
By completing the side job involving the date in the cinema, Rogue may appear in the finale of the campaign and influence one of the game's endings. We have elaborated further on this topic in a separate section of our guide - Endings.