Shadow of the Erdtree: Metyr, Mother of Fingers Elden Ring guide, walkthrough
Metyra, the Mother of Fingers, is one of the main, but also optional bosses in the Shadow of the Erdtree add-on for the Elden Ring game. On this page of the guide we have described how to fight her and what rewards you will receive for defeating her.
Last update: 10 July 2024
Metyr, Mother of Fingers is one of the bosses in the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC. The fight will take place in the depths below the Cathedral of Manus Metyr location - to be able to start the battle, you first need to activate bells in Finger Ruins of Dheo (location found behind a secret exit from Shadow Keep) and Finger Ruins of Rhia (located in the Cerulean Coast region). After both bells have been rung, you need to return to the Cathedral, talk to Count Ymir sitting on the throne, and rest at the site of grace - this will make Ymir disappear, allowing you to press the button on his throne that unlocks the hidden pathway leading to Metyr. She is one of the main bosses of the expansion, but you don't have to defeat her to continue the main story. On this page of the guide, we described how to fight the boss and what rewards you will receive for defeating him.
Rewards for defeating

For defeating the boss, you will receive 420,000 runes and Remembrance of the Mother of Fingers, which you can exchange for:
- Staff of the Great Beyond - a Glinstone staff that allows you to cast both spells and incantations.
- Gazing Finger - a huge weapon that deals partial magic damage.
Metyr in a nutshell
Related map marker: Metyr, Mother of Fingers @ Shadow of the Erdtree
- Metyr's weak point is the large lump on her abdomen - try to stay in front of her as then you deal more damage and won't have to worry about unpredictable finger attacks.
- Red laser attacks can be avoided by sprinting or jumping.
- Be careful of overhead hand swings and headbutts performed after a side jump - Metyr can use the opportunity and attack two or even three times in a row.
- To avoid horizontal hand swings, you need to dodge backwards.
- Metyr can summon lesser enemies - defeat them as they appear, or after getting some distance away from the boss.
- In the second phase of the fight, Metyr will have an orb of light appearing on her tail that introduces a few new attacks - sprint away from her to avoid them.
- The spin attack deals damage a few times in short succession, so you won't be able to dodge it - you need to either block or sprint away.
- To avoid the rotating lasers you need to sprint away from the boss and avoid individual beams - disable the camera lock on the boss to make dodging easier.
- You can avoid the explosion of light by sprinting away from the boss and then performing a dodge in the boss's direction as she spreads her arms.
- To avoid the luminous orbs emerging from the ground, sprint away from them and let them explode while you're away.
How to defeat Metyr?

The fight with Metyr requires patience and positioning skills. The boss backs away after some attacks, while some require you to back away instead. The boss's weakpoint is the large lump on her abdomen. When fighting Metyr, we recommend staying in front of her at all times - this way you'll be able to target her weak point easily and won't have to worry about unpredictable attacks with fingers emerging from the sides of her body.

If you are far from Metyr, the boss most of the time will start to fire red laser beams. The basic ranged attack of the boss is a single laser beam fired in your direction, and you can avoid it by sprinting sideways (in the second phase, Metyr fires 3 beams one by one instead of a single beam). The more dangerous are horizontal laser cuts and a laser beam targeted at the floor that causes explosions on the ground. You can avoid the horizontal slash by jumping over the laser if you're away, or by dodging in the direction of the boss if you're close. The explosion can be avoided by staying in a safe location when away (the range of the explosions is marked by red colour) or by quickly getting close to the boss's head if you're close.

When staying in close range, you should watch out mainly for three combinations of attacks the boss employs. You can avoid horizontal swings by dodging backwards. Another combination are overhead hand strikes - the attack is performed two or three times, so don't go on the offensive after the second dodge as the third strike is a little delayed. Metyr can also jump to a side and perform a headbutt - this is also performed two or three times in a row.

Occasionally, the boss may rupture the lump on her abdomen, releasing three crawling hands that will help her during combat. Try to defeat them as quickly as possible - they are very problematic, interrupt the attempts to battle the boss, and the camera often locks on them. Kill the hands as soon as they appear or try to lure them away so it is easier to remove them.

The second phase requires much more patience, as Metyr receives a luminous orb at the end of her tail that allows her to employ magic attacks. All attacks involving the orb require sprinting away. The first such attack is an explosion of light - Metyr raises her tail up and spreads her hands, causing a huge explosion. Sprint away from Metyr then dodge in her direction as she spreads her hands.

When Metyr rises in the air and starts to spin, it means that she will attempt to land some strikes on you. You cannot avoid the ensuing attacks, as they are performed in a row in close succession. It is best to block or sprint away from Metyr before the attacks hit the ground.

The boss can also summon several explosive orbs that emerge from the ground. You need to sprint away and find a safe location - the orbs will explode after a few seconds, so you may want to be away when that happens.

Metyr's most dangerous attack are large rotating laser beams that she fires after getting airborne and glowing. She will also be surrounded by a magical aura that deals damage when touched. This attack is very difficult to avoid - remove the camera lock and get far away from the boss. There is a small safe area between the aura and the laser beams which you can reach and avoid receiving damage.