Shadow of the Erdtree: How to defeat Romina, Saint of the Bud? Elden Ring guide, walkthrough
Romina, Saint of the Bud is one of the main bosses in the Shadow of the Erdtree add-on for the Elden Ring game. On this page of the guide we have described how to fight him and what rewards you will receive for defeating him.
Last update: 10 July 2024
Romina, Saint of the Buds, is one of the bosses in the Shadow of the Erdtree expansion. You will face her in the Church of the Bud - a location at the end of the Ancient Ruins of Rauh region. This is one of the main, mandatory bosses of the expansion - you must defeat her to continue the DLC. On this page of the guide, we described how to fight the boss and what rewards you will receive for defeating her.
Rewards for defeating
For defeating the boss, you will receive 380,000 runes and the Remembrance of the Saint of the Bud. You can exchange it for the following weapons:
- Poleblade of the Bud - halberd, inflicts scarlet rot status,
- Rotten Butterflies - incantation, summons exploding butterflies causing scarlet rot.
Romina in a nutshell
Related map marker: Romina, Saint of the Bud - Church of the Bud @ Shadow of the Erdtree
- Romina uses three weapons at once - look out for the glaive, the giant centipede, and the scorpion's stinger.
- Glaive and centipede attacks only deal physical damage - stinger and glowing glaive attacks increase the scarlet rot bar even when blocked.
- Be very aggressive and constantly attack the boss - Romina's attacks have a long range, but their hitboxes usually don't cover the area right next to Romina.
- To avoid the air attack, dodge when the boss's sting lights up and you hear a characteristic sound.
- The boss has the ability to coil the centipede and stinger around itself, rolling across the map or spinning, and delivering three rapid attacks in a row.
- Beware of the grab, which you'll recognize when Romina spins glaive above her - the animation is brief, and if caught, you'll probably be instantly infected with the scarlet rot.
- In the second phase, Romina begins to summon exploding butterflies, the explosions of which you must block or move away from them.
How to fight Romina?

Romina wields three weapons at once - a glaive, a centipede extending from the front, and a scorpion stinger extending from the back. All of these weapons make her deadly at medium range; however, their hitboxes don't cover the area right next to her. By constantly attacking the boss and attempting to get past or behind her, most of her attacks will completely miss you. You have the option to either block the remaining attacks or evade them by dodging towards the boss - Romina's regular attacks don't cause significant damage, even if they manage to get past your defense. This strategy will make the fight much easier.

Glaive and centipede attacks only deal physical damage. Stinger and glowing glaive attacks also deal physical damage, but they also increase your scarlet rot bar - if it fills, you will take continuous damage. So it's better to avoid them.

The boss has a few moves that are worth watching out for, even when playing aggressively. One of them is an air attack - Romina floats towards the sky, sticking out a small pink stinger. After a while she will fall on you, trying to pierce you. Dodge the attack when the stinger lights up and you hear the distinctive sound.

Romina has the ability to coil the centipede and stinger around herself, rolling across the arena and delivering a blow with her glaive after uncoiling, or delivering three consecutive blows. The boss's most dangerous attack is the grab - it's preceded by a very short animation, and a hit usually means immediate infection with the scarlet rot. Dodge when you see Romina swinging her glaive above her head.
In the second phase of the fight, Romina gains the ability to summon hordes of exploding butterflies covering a large area. You can block the explosions or get out of the area covered with butterflies before they explode. Other than that, the battle strategy remains largely the same - press on the boss and stay close to her, and you will emerge victorious.