Cyberpunk 2077: Ending Trophies/Achievements - list Cyberpunk 2077 guide, walkthrough
Last update: 26 February 2021
On this page of the achievement guide for Cyberpunk 2077 we will describe how to unlock the 4 achievements obtainable by getting different game endings. We explain the requirements of each achievement and describe what you need to do in order to unlock them. You will also find out if you can get all these achievements during the same playthrough of the campaign.
This page contains major spoilers involving the campaign endings. We recommend reading the following guide only if you're already familiar with the game's ending and want to learn how to get the ending-related achievements.
General information about the achievements and endings

- Below, we have listed the four achievements related to the game's endings. They can only be obtained by getting a specific ending or its variations. You don't have to unlock and get 100% of the game's available endings. To earn the platinum trophy in Cyberpunk 2077, you only need to focus on getting the endings that grant you achievements.
- You can unlock all the trophies in a single playthrough. Save the game manually before the point of no return shown in the above screenshot (i.e. the main job Nocturne OP55N1). This will allow you to return to this point in time and choose a path leading to a different ending. You will not have to restart the campaign.
- The achievement notification should pop up at the start of the game's credits. If you haven't earned an achievement, it might mean that you missed a required step along the way.
- You can earn both the Sun and Temperance achievements during one playthrough of the ending. Save the game before entering cyberspace and, having unlocked the first ending, return to this point by loading the game to quickly unlock the second ending.
The Devil

Achievement description: Help Takemura avenge the death of Saburo Arasaka.
Out of all the ending-related achievements, this one is by far the most difficult to earn. This is due to the fact that it's very easy to miss a required step in the process. This is the only achievement that forces you to make the correct choices during the quests prior to reaching the game's ending.
The quest you need to pay attention to is Search and Destroy. As part of this quest, V will attend a meeting with Hanako. Takemura will also be present.

After the attack you have to save Takemura, because this is the only way to prevent his death. You can't immediately focus on running away from the building.

When you have to choose the game ending during the main job Nocturne OP55N1, select the corporate ending by putting your trust in the Arasaka Corporation (pictured above).
Goro Takemura will appear during the final quests associated with the corporate ending, but only if he hasn't previously died. Otherwise you won't get an achievement even if you complete the Arasaka ending.
The Star

Achievement description: Leave Night City with the Aldecaldos.
This achievement requires completing Panam's entire storyline. Panam's first job is Riders on the Storm, and her final job is Queen of the Highway.
While completing Panam's jobs, make sure not to accidentally choose an option that may lead to failing her quests:
- Never refuse Panam.
- Head to the Raffen Shiv camp with Panam.
- Don't tell Saul about Panam's plans.

When you have to choose the ending during the main job Nocturne OP55N1, select Panam's ending by putting your trust in the Nomads (pictured above).

But that's not all. During your time in cyberspace, decide that V will keep control of their body, i.e. enter the well.
The Sun

Achievement description: Become a legend of the Afterlife.
This achievement requires you to complete both of Rogue's side jobs. The first one is Chippin' In. The final part of this quest, that is the conversation with Johnny in the oil fields, is critical. You have to:
- Select one of the positive grave inscriptions (e.g. 'The Man who saved my life' from the screenshot above).
- Be kind to Johnny. You cannot choose hostile dialogue options that will spoil Johnny's relationship with V.

If you have correctly followed all the steps in the Chippin' In side job, you will be able to start the Rogue's second quest - Blistering Love During this job, the choices you make won't affect the availability of the game's endings. Simply complete the quest.

When you have to choose the game ending during the main job Nocturne OP55N1, select Rogue's ending by putting your trust in Johnny and Rogue (pictured above).

But that's not all. During your stay in cyberspace, decide that V will keep control of their body, i.e. as Johnny, reach the spot on the bridge where you can "connect with" Alt.

Achievement description: Let Johnny Silverhand keep your body.
This achievement is the most lenient as you can earn it either during Panam's ending (also linked to the Star achievement) or Rogue's ending (also linked to the Sun achievement).
As a reminder, the conversation with Johnny that occurs in the main job Nocturne OP55N1 is the moment when you get to choose the game ending.

The crucial choice happens during the visit to cyberspace:
- If you have selected Rogue's ending, then, while playing as Johnny, head towards the well (pictured above).
- If you have selected Panam's ending, then, while playing as V, reach the spot on the bridge where you can connect with Alt.

As you make the selection, you will be able to tell if have chosen the correct quest. Johnny's final quest will immediately begin, which you will be able to identify by the altered user interface color scheme. Simply complete this quest.