Delta Force Hawk Ops (DFHO) - PC Release Date Explained
If you wonder what's the full release date of Delta Force Hawk Ops on PC, here you will find information that will give you an idea what's the current status of development.

Patience is a virtue that is very hard to achieve. It takes a lot of resolve to stay cool while a game we are waiting for a long time teases us with some additional materials or even closed tests. Add to that a feeling of nostalgia, and the hype can become unbearable. As Delta Force series is making a comeback in the form of next instalment subtitled Hawk Ops, the developers from Team Jade started a closed alpha tests period for their fans. What if you weren’t lucky and got anxious about not getting the key? Here we’ll check the most probable date of full premiere of this title when everyone will be able to get into the fray.
PC release date of Delta Force Hawk Ops
Even though Delta Force Hawk Ops is just in the stage of early alpha tests, many eager fans wonder when the game will fully launch on PC (by the way, that’s not the only platform that this production will be available on). The answer to this question is not straightforward, so let us dive deeper.
In the, quite outdated (October 2023), official FAQ, the developers mention that DFHO is supposed to debut in 2024, yet pointing out that the exact date will be confirmed later on. As the alpha tests are still in progress, it is hard to believe that this title will be released by the end of this year. We can suspect that since there are alpha tests, there might be beta at some point, too, which means that there is still a way ahead for the creators to launch the title in full version.
If you just can’t wait to play Hawk Ops, there is still a chance to get the key to the tests, as the end date of them is not even officially confirmed as of now. It is worth mentioning that DFHO does not offer singleplayer campaign just yet. With only multiplayer available during the alpha period, many players complain about increased bot presence on the servers. Hopefully, all problems and concerns will be smoothed out when the game finally launches.