Elden Ring: How to beat Abductor Virgin? Elden Ring guide, walkthrough
On this page of the Elden Ring guide you will learn how to defeat the Abductor Virgins that you will find in the secret location in Volcano Manor.
Last update: 05 March 2024
This page of the Elden Ring game guide contains tips on fighting the Abductor Virgins, who are located in a secret location in the Volcano Manor. You will learn how to fight the boss and which attacks you need to watch out for. Additionally, you will read about the potential rewards and find out the boss's location.

Assuming that the boss is in the Volcano Manor, you can reach said location with the help of the Abductor Virgin, who is located at the Raya Lucaria Academy. You have to reach the bottom using platform that acts like a mill wheel, then get killed by the virgin by walking into the opponent. Simply get caught and die.

This way, you'll arrive at the secret location in the Volcano Manor. Cross the lava lake, then go straight ahead and jump down at the end to reach the boss arena.
Reward for defeating

For defeating the Abductor Virgins, you will receive a weapon, the Inquisitor's Girandole and 10,000 Runes.
General tips
- You will have to fight two virgins who are wielding different weapons. One of them fights with a wheel and the other with a swinging sickle.
- It's best to focus down the virgin with the wheel first. This is because her mobility is superior to the virgin wielding the swinging sickle.
- Both versions of the boss are immune to all statuses. They take the most damage from lightning and physical attacks.
- During the fight, it's a good idea to summon spirit ashes whose advantage is their numbers. For this reason, your best bet is to summon demi-human spirits and wolf packs.
- You will deal more damage to them while they "open up" in an attempt to capture you. Therefore, it's a good idea to retaliate after avoiding this attack.
How to defeat?
After entering the arena, use spirit ashes to avoid a two-on-one fight. Then focus on killing the virgin armed with the wheel. She's more dangerous than her sickle-wielding counterpart.

The virgin with the wheel will mainly try to charge towards you. All you have to do is dodge to the side. Do the same when she tries to grab you. However, if she successfully catches you, keep alternately pressing the left and right hand attack buttons. This will free you from her grip much faster and you'll take less damage.

After defeating the virgin with the wheel, eliminate the one wielding the swinging sickle. This version of the boss attacks everything around her. She will spin slowly at first, only attacking what's nearby, but after a while, she will begin spinning faster, significantly increasing her range. Still, it's worth keeping a close distance when fighting this virgin.