Elden Ring: Where to find map fragments? List Elden Ring guide, walkthrough
On this page of the Elden Ring guide you will learn where to find all the region maps and thus gain access to the entire world map.
Last update: 30 November 2023
This page of the guide to Elden Ring contains the locations of all maps that can be found in the world of Elden Ring.

To uncover a part of the world, you need to find the corresponding map fragment first - otherwise, you will move around the area "blind". However, the game provides some hints as to where such a map may be. If you come across the symbol shown in the picture below, you can set a waypoint on it and get to the map's location.

Maps are most often located at characteristic boards. However, you may also happen to find them on a dead body, but this happens much less often. After picking up the item shown in the screenshot above, you will discover a specific fragment of the map.
- Map: Limgrave, West
- Map: Limgrave, East
- Map: Weeping Peninsula
- Map: Liurnia, West
- Map: Liurnia, East
- Map: Liurnia, North
- Map: Altus Plateau
- Map: Leyndell, Royal Capital
- Map: Mount Gelmir
- Map: Caelid
- Map: Dragonbarrow
- Map: West Mountaintops of the Giants
- Map: Mountaintops of the Giants, East
- Map: Consecrated Snowfield
- Map: Ainsel River
- Map: Lake of Rot
- Map: Siofra River
- Map: Mohgwyn Palace
- Map: Deeproot Depths
Map: Limgrave, West
Related map marker: Map Fragment - Limgrave, West @ The Lands Between

The first map fragment you'll find will probably be one of Limgrave, West. After leaving the starting location, you will find yourself near the site of grace called The First Step. From there, head north until you find the ruined Church of Elleh. Next, keep going north until you see the Gatefront Ruins. This location is full of enemies, though, so it is a good idea to stealthily bypass them or simply eliminate them. Map: Limgrave, West can be found by the sign at the end of the road you used to get to the ruins. This is also the place where said road meets the path to Stormgate on the west.
Map: Limgrave, East
Related map marker: Map Fragment - Limgrave, East @ The Lands Between

Map: Limgrave, East is located in Mistwood. If you got there thanks to Patches's trap, you will land near a huge Runebear that's scratching a tree. The map is to the east of it. Otherwise, you can look by the Siofra River Well - the map is to the west of it, on the main road.
Map: Weeping Peninsula
Related map marker: Map Fragment - Weeping Peninsula @ The Lands Between

You will reach the Weeping Peninsula by going south of Lake Agheela. You will arrive at the Bridge of Sacrifice, and when you cross it, you will reach the site of grace also called Bridge of Sacrifice. From there, keep following the road south until you reach the next site of grace - Castle Morne Rampart. Keep going along the main road south until you find the map board.
Map: Liurnia, West
Related map marker: Map Fragment - Liurnia, West @ The Lands Between

Map: Liurnia, West is located at the eastern end of the world, on the road to the Caria Manor. You can get there by going to the northwestern part of the lake, where from the shore you will get to a site of grace called Northern Liurnia Lake Shore - said shore is located west of the isle with Testu's Rise. Once you're at the site of grace, go back to the main road and head north. You will find the map board after a while, located next to the road, as usual.
Map: Liurnia, East
Related map marker: Map Fragment - Liurnia, East @ The Lands Between

After defeating Godrick the Grafted and going outside, you will gain access to a site of grace called Lake -Facing Cliffs. From there, follow the road west. You will pass by the Church of Irith, and the path will turn north. A moment later you will have to pass through the soldiers' camp. Then, keep going north until you reach the site of grace by the lake shore - this site is called Liurnia Lake Shore. There is a merchant sitting by a fire nearby. Now, head north into the flooded area until you finally find the map.
Map: Liurnia, North
Related map marker: Map Fragment - Liurnia, North @ The Lands Between

Map: Liurnia, North is located roughly in the center of the flooded region. To find it more easily, you can make the site of grace called Liurnia Lake Shore your point of orientation. From there, head north-west into the lake. This way, you will reach the Laskyar Ruins and the site of grace there. Go far north from there. You will pass by some large crystals on the way. Your destination is farther north, among the rooftops of sunken buildings. The location you'll reach is called Academy Gate Town - you will also find a site of grace with the same name here. The map is located near this site of grace.
Map: Altus Plateau
Related map marker: Map Fragment - Altus Plateau @ The Lands Between
If you've reached the Altus Plateau by using the Grand Lift of Dectus, the path to the map will be relatively straightforward. Take the main road northeast until you reach a fork. There you will get to a site of grace called Altus Highway Junction. From here, take the narrower road north. After a while, you will find the board with the map.
The situation is different if you entered the Altus Plateau by crossing the Ruin-Strewn Precipice. When you arrive on the Altus Plateau, you will be near the Abandoned Coffin. From there, take the road north-east, which will gradually turn east. Once you're on the hill, you will find a site of grace called Erdtree-Gazing Hill to the south. Now, head east and go through the soldiers' camp. Further to the east behind it, there is the main road to the previously mentioned fork and the Grand Lift of Dectus.

Map: Leyndell, Royal Capital
Related map marker: Map Fragment - Leyndell @ The Lands Between

From the Altus Highway Junction, take the main road east. You will go up some huge stairs, at the end of which you'll find a large gate guarded by two Tree Keepers. You can fight them or run east towards a small golden tree. You will find yourself at a site of grace called the Outer Wall Phantom Tree. The map board is on the same square, east to the site of grace.
Map: Mount Gelmir
Related map marker: Map Fragment - Mt. Gelmir @ The Lands Between

You can get to Mt Gelmir from the northern part of the Altus Plateau. After crossing the bridge, you will find yourself at the site of grace called Bridge of Iniquity. From there, you need to go higher and higher, using the ladders on the walls of the nearby mountains. After a while, you will arrive at a site of grace called Ninth Mt. Gelmir Campsite. From here you will get to a crater where you can fight a boss called Full-Grown Fallingstar Beast. You don't have to defeat him, though. Use your mount to go west, where you will find a protruding rock. Jump off it to the mountain below. Head to the little golden tree that you will see by looking to the northwest. Stay close to the cliff and go down to the south. The trail will soon turn south-east, and then east, where you will soon find a board with a map. A bit farther east there is a site of grace called the Road of Iniquity.
Map: Caelid
Related map marker: Map Fragment - Caelid @ The Lands Between

You can get to Caelid e.g. from Mistwood located in Limgrave, East. The Smoldering Church and a site of grace of the same name are at the entrance to this region. The main road is to the south of it - use it to go east. You will approach a site of grace called Rotview Balcony. Stay on the road and head north-east, then turn east. You will find a cart with two huge dogs next to it. The road will slowly turn southwards from there. Stick to this direction. On the way, you will pass a site of grace called Smoldering Wall. If you keep going along the same road south, you willarrive at a site of grace called Caelid Highway South. In this area, the road will start turning east. If you go in this direction and stay on the road, you will eventually come across the map, not far from the trader by the fire.
Map: Dragonbarrow
Related map marker: Map Fragment - Dragonbarrow @ The Lands Between

To get the Dragonbarrow map, you need to go to the northern part of Caelid. Starting at the site of grace called Smoldering Church, head east, jumping down to the lower areas where possible. Soon, you will find a site of grace called Caelem Ruins. Keep going east from there until you reach the big dogs, one of which is white. Here, turn north-east to the place with two opposite cliffs. At this point, you can jump to the other side by using a mount. From there, follow the road northeast until you reach the site of grace called Dragonbarrow West. Now, go straight east and you will reach the next map.
Map: West Mountaintops of the Giants
Related map marker: Map Fragment - Mountaintops, West @ The Lands Between

You can get to this region only after defeating Morgott in Leyndell, Royal Capital. When you do this, go back to the site of grace called Avenue Balcony. Go up the stairs and then follow the road northeast to the great gate. After going through it, pay attention to the stairs on the left. Climb to the top, and then go to the gate you see there. You will have access to an elevator that will take you to the bridge which leads to the next elevator. Use it to go downstairs to the Forbidden Lands. From the site of grace with the same name, head primarily to the east, although at the end of the road you will slowly turn north. You will find stairs on which you will be attacked by Black Blade Kindred. You don't have to fight him. Behind the gate, at the top of the stairs, there is a place of grace called Grand Lift of Rold and an elevator of the same name. It will finally take you to the Mountaintops of the Giants. Head northeast when you leave the elevator. You'll find the map soon.
Map: Mountaintops of the Giants, East
Related map marker: Map Fragment - Mountaintops, East @ The Lands Between

By heading north-east from the Grand Lift of Rold, you will soon reach a site of grace called Zamor Ruins. From there, head south-east and then turn uphill to the northwest to the great wall that serves as a bridge. After crossing it, go to the hills to the east and climb them to the north. You will find yourself at a site of grace called Ancient Snow Valley Ruins. From there, head northeast to the frozen river with the great golem. If you follow the riverbed to the east, you will reach a frozen lake. When you are on it, head south-east. This way, you'll arrive at the First Church of Marika. From there, go west until you reach a site of grace called Whiteridge Road. Now, go south until you reach a chain bridge. Behind it there is a place of grace called Giant's Gravepost, with a map next to it.
Map: Consecrated Snowfield
Related map marker: Map Fragment - Snowfield @ The Lands Between

To get to the Consecrated Snowfield, you first need to get two halves of the Haligtree Secret Medallion. This will allow you to use the Grand Lift of Rold to get to this region.
Once you use the elevator, you will find yourself on the Hidden Path to the Haligtree. There, after a short exploration, you will reach a campfire of the same name. From there, go outside and head straight north. You will reach a site of grace called Consecrated Snowfield. Again, head straight north to a site of grace called Inner Consecrated Snowfield. The map is located north of this location, very close to the big tree.
Map: Ainsel River
Related map marker: Map Fragment - Ainsel River @ The Lands Between

This is a place in underground, where you can go using a special elevator located in Liurnia of the Lakes. The Ainsel River Well is located near the site of grace called the Eastern Tableland.
Once you are in the dungeon, keep going forward until you reach the Uhl Palace Ruins where a huge insect-like creature will shoot at you. You can use your surroundings to protect yourself from its projectiles. You can also eliminate it with long-range attacks. To find the map, you have to go to the building below the monster. There you will find a map next to a corpse, not far from the merchant.
Map: Lake of Rot
Related map marker: Map Fragment - Lake of Rot @ The Lands Between

Lake of Rot is the location to which you will get after using the next two elevators, starting from Nokstella, Eternal City.
You will begin your exploration of the Lake of Rot Shoreside by finding a site of grace called Lake of Rot Shoreside. The map is located south of this place, next to the corpse on the shore.
Map: Siofra River
Related map marker: Map Fragment - Siofra River @ The Lands Between

The Siofra River is a place in the dungeons that you can reach by using the Siofra River Well located in Mistwood. It is located near the Minor Erdtree, north of Fort Haight.
Once you take the elevator down, you will come across a site of grace called Siofra River Well Depths. From here, head northeast to the ruined building. Climb the next stairs as high as possible, and you will come out on the other side of the building. Use another set of stairs, and you will reach the elevator. After exiting it, follow the river to the east. You will arrive at a site of grace called Siofra River Bank. Look east, and you will notice a staircase surrounded by 8 pillars. The map is at their foot on the right.
Map: Mohgwyn Palace
Related map marker: Map Fragment - Mohgwyn Palace @ The Lands Between

The Mohgwyn Palace map is very close to where you start. There's a body on the pavement at the base of the stairs, which has the map fragment you're looking for. A site of grace called Dynasty Mausoleum Entrance is nearby.
Map: Deeproot Depths
Related map marker: Map Fragment - Deeproot Depths @ The Lands Between

You will be able to get to the Deeproot Depths after defeating the Fearless Gargoyle in the Siofra River underground, or more precisely in Nokron, Eternal City and the Aqueducts. After winning the fight, use the coffin that will take you to said location.
Near the place where you start exploring the Depths, you will find a site of grace called Great Waterfall Crest. From here, head west, where you will use the large branches to cross the abyss. Once on the other side, head northwest, where you will find another site of grace called the Deeproot Depths. From there, head north, until you reach a gazebo in the river, and a corpse with a map right next to it.