Cyberpunk 2077: Pisces (Judy) - walkthrough Cyberpunk 2077 guide, walkthrough
Last update: 25 January 2021
On this page of the Cyberpunk 2077 guide, you will find a walkthrough of the Pisces side mission. This is Judy's fourth side mission. From our walkthrough, you will learn how to infiltrate the apartment and get to Hiromi's office and what you can do during the meeting with Maiko and Tyger Claws.
- Unlocking the quest
- Getting to Hiromi's office
- Confrontation in Hiromi's office - important choices
- Ending the task
Unlocking the quest

How to start the quest: You have to finish the Talkin Bout a Revolution side job. Some time after leaving the party, Judy will contact you and inform you about meeting in Megablock H8 in Japantown, Westbrook.
Go to the Megablock, and when you reach it, you can lean on the railing to wait until evening hours.
Getting to Hiromi's office

Go to the meeting place with Judy, Tom and Roxanne. You can ask additional questions to your interlocutors or immediately switch the topic to getting into Hiromi's office. Follow Judy to the elevator.
There are several Tyger Claws gangsters on the new floor. You have to get rid of them. You can fight or distract them by hacking surrounding objects and surprise attack them. After securing the area, talk to Judy and use the cargo lift to get to the roof.

Turn left. You have to jump to the big lower balcony - there is a great risk of falling into the abyss doing it, and also during any further fights. It is because, in many places, there are no railings, and if you move back or sideways, you can easily fall off the balcony.

Hiromi's office is on the first floor of his apartment. The apartment itself is guarded by the next Tyger Claws gangsters, who will attack V when they detect him. If you want to stay hidden, rely on a gun with a silencer.
You can enter the apartment through the lower door or use the stairs leading to the roof. There are large roof windows that you can use to attack enemies from height or to jump into the apartment through the roof.

The entrance to the office is shown in the attached picture. Before you go inside, we suggest you saving the game because you will have to choose dialog options, and some of them might start a fight.
Confrontation in Hiromi's office - important choices

In the office, there will be four people left: Maiko, Hiromi, and two awakened from braindance members of the Tyger Claws. The negotiations will not proceed as previously planned, as Maiko will decide to behave differently.

You will be forced to choose how to react. The important information is that this is a time-limited choice, so you need to decide quickly. If you don't manage to choose the reaction or you accidentally choose the wrong one, consider loading the previous game to start again.
The first scenario - The more obvious choice is to lead to the fight against the Tyger Claws. This will happen if:
- You will declare the independence of the dolls from Clouds.
- You'll draw your gun.

In both cases, it will start the fight with the Tiger Claws - those from the office and those in the other rooms of the apartment (if you have not eliminated them before). As the enemies from the office are using mainly melee attacks, it is a good idea to shoot them from behind a long couch, making it difficult for them to get closer to V.

After winning the battle, you will have to decide about Maiko - you can leave her alive or kill her. This decision will not affect your relationship with Judy and the dolls, although Judy will initially be shocked by your decision to eliminate Maiko.

The second scenario - In this variant, V shares Tyger Claws' view that Hiromi must leave and that there must be a change of management.

If you choose this option, the boss of Tyger Claws will kill Hiromi, and you will come to an agreement.

After the meeting, go with Maiko to the balcony. Another important choice awaits you here:
- If you accept payment from Maiko, it will result in a worsening of the relationship with Judy, and you will lose a chance for having an affair with her (romance is available only for female V).
- If you don't accept payment from Maiko, Judy's attitude will not change, and you will still be able to have an affair with her.
Ending the task

No matter what you do, it's worth taking a unique loot from the office - an iconic Tsumetogi katana.
Use the elevator to leave the apartment and the Megablock. The final meeting with Judy will differ depending on how you proceeded with the meeting. You can only expect a negative reaction from her if you have made a deal with Tyger Claws AND accepted payment from Maiko. All other scenarios will allow you to take care of the last Judy's quest - Pyramid Song.