Cyberpunk 2077: Quickhacking - action list Cyberpunk 2077 guide, walkthrough
Last update: 09 December 2020
In Cyberpunk 2077 you can hack various objects. The Quickhacking actions list will make it easier. It allows you to quickly check how hacked object will react to a given action.
Hacking of objects

Name: Distract Enemies
Operation: it causes the device to malfunction, distracting people in the vicinity.
Name: Remote Deactivation
Operation: Allows the manipulation of the basic functions of the device, e.g. door closing/opening.
Name: Camera Control
Operation: allows full camera manipulation.
Name: Breach Protocol
Usage: it violates the system of the device making the objects around it more vulnerable to hacking.
Name: Initiate Overload
Application: destroys the hacked device.
Name: Friendly Mode
Usage: changes the friend/foe attitude of hostile devices so that you're not attacked.
Name: Assist Mode
Application: Forces manual aiming with turrets.
Name: Take Control
Application: assumes control of the device.