Valve has New Half-Life Stories to Tell
Valve continues to create video games, and many of them are currently in development. One of them may be a new Half-Life.

A designer from Valve, Greg Coomer, assured us this March that the company is working on a number of interesting games. However, since then there have been no new announcements, only videos on Steam Deck. We haven't received much from Valve since 2013 - two games already abandoned, Artifact and Dota Underlords, VR headset-exclusive Half-Life Alyx and released this year, the very short Aperature Desk Job. Nevertheless, fans should not worry, because Greg Coomer is once again reassuring them, this time in an interview with Famitsu.
A new Half-Life is being made, but will it be the mythical number 3?
In the interview, Coomer openly confirms that more games in the Half-Life universe will be developed and meantions ongoing work on various mysterious titles. He also tells us that much of the team is currently involved in game development, despite work on the new Steam Deck, which clearly shows the direction Valve is taking. Coomer has also received a slew of questions about the new Half-Life, and when asked if Half-Life Alyx is proof that there is more to tell in this world, he confirmed:
"I think so! We love this world and want to continue exploring the universe of Half-Life's. Half-Life Alyx is a very good game. Even for us, those who worked on this world, it would still be cool to go back there and tell more stories."
We don't know if the next game will be Half-Life 3, but one thing we are sure of - Valve has not abandoned the series and there is no doubt that it will still surprise us. Coomer also said that he would like to one day create another Portal and is convinced that this universe also deserves further exploration. For now, we are left to wait for Valve's next moves and hope that Greg Coomer is not throwing words to the wind.