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Essays 19 July 2024, 03:03

author: Paul Musiolik

14. Mortal Shell. The best souls-likes, rated easiest to hardest

Table of Contents

  1. Date of premiere: 18 August 2020
  2. Platforms: PC, PS4, Xbox One, PS5, Xbox Series X/S, Switch
  3. Developer: Cold Symmetry
  4. Publisher: Playstack

The general evaluation of Mortal Shell's difficulty level on the Internet indicates that we're dealing with a game much easier than the original Dark Souls, it's main inspiration. I can agree. The game is more accessible, and probably only the idiosyncratic combat system increases the difficulty of the game. Once we have mastered the fight, we won't find much of a challenge here.

Mortal Shell is advertised with slogans about testing the player's perseverance and common sense. There's something to that, as long as we bear in mind that the game indeed tests our patience – with it's general lack of polish. It's more that than it being a well-designed, properly difficult game.

  1. More about Mortal Shell

13. Code Vein

  1. Release date: September 27, 2019
  2. Platforms: PC, PS4, Xbox One
  3. Developer: Shift
  4. Publisher: Bandai Namco Entertainment

We are approaching the middle of the list, so the difficulty level represented by the following games will increase. At first glance, Code Vein seems to be quite challenging. However, the further we progress in the game, the easier it becomes, not to mention the co-op mode which facilitates the game even more. Nevertheless, I wouldn't count this title among the easiest in the soulslike genre.

It stands out from the competition with a stronger character class division and styling. You can also feel the strong God Eater vibes – it was a series previously created by Shift studio. This game may hence be more difficult to some, as it doesn't take the typical road, and Code Vein tries to bridge the two worlds.

  1. More about Code Vein

Paul Musiolik

Paul Musiolik

Started writing about games on the SquareZone website. Later, he wrote and managed the non-existent PSSite.com, and currently runs his own blog about games. He hasn't yet written a text that he would be 100% satisfied with. He started his adventure with games at the age of 3, when he managed to convince his father to buy a C64 computer. The love for electronic entertainment awakened by Flimbo's Quest blossomed during the first adventures with Heroes of Might & Magic, reaching its peak after purchasing the first PlayStation. As he grew older, he had more encounters with Nintendo portable consoles, and also returned to the PC as an additional gaming platform. He collects games and is a fan of emulation.


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