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Baldur's Gate 3 - Cheat Table (CT for Cheat Engine) v.7112023 - Game mod - Download

The file Cheat Table (CT for Cheat Engine) v.7112023 is a modification for Baldur's Gate 3, a(n) rpg game. Download for free.

file typeGame mod

file size73.9 KB


(last 7 days)258

last updateWednesday, December 6, 2023

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Cheat Table is a scripts for Cheat Engine to be used with Baldur’s Gate 3. It was created by Zanzer.


The mod adds a cheat system to the game and allows you to modify various in-game data.


Zero Weight

Always Win Rolls

Add 50 to Rolls

Last Item Moved

Ability Stat Points (save game to populate)

Console Commands

- Rest Anywhere

- Add Gold

- Add Experience

- Respec Character

- Max Ability Stats

- Extra Max Health

- Extra Armor

- Add All Resistance

- Immune to Status Effects

- Super Jump

- Unlimited Movement

- Unlimited Action Points

- Unlimited Spell Slots

- Unlimited Warlock Spell Slots

- Unlimited Sorcery Points

- Increase Carry Capacity

- Add Permanent Tags to Player: Pet Pal, Comprehend Languages, Detect Thoughts, Hermit, Urchin

- Add Spells

- Dark Vision

- Toggle Fog of War

- Object Spawner (equipment, items, scenery, walls, etc.)

- Companion Attitude

- Companion Approval

Unlimited Actions/Spells

Character Pointers

Unlimited Spells (must have 3+ slots)

Game Object Tags:

Various things you can play around with using the AddBoosts console command:


  1. Ability(Strength, 31)
  2. Ability(Dexterity, 31)
  3. Ability(Constitution, 31)
  4. Ability(Intelligence, 31)
  5. Ability(Wisdom, 31)
  6. Ability(Charisma, 31)
  7. WeaponDamage(1d4, Fire)
  8. WeaponDamage(1d4, Poison)
  9. IgnoreLeaveAttackRange
  10. Invulnerable()
  11. JumpMaxDistanceMultiplier(3)
  12. AC(16)
  13. Resistance(All,Resistant)
  14. Resistance(All,Immune)
  15. Resistance(Acid,Resistant)
  16. Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, Thunder, Psychic, Necrotic, Force, Slashing, Piercing, Bludgeoning
  17. ActionResourceConsumeMultiplier(Movement,2,0)
  18. ActionResourceMultiplier(Movement,200,0)
  19. ActionResource(Movement,10,0)
  20. ActionResource(ActionPoint,3,0)
  21. ActionResource(BonusActionPoint,3,0)
  22. ActionResource(ReactionActionPoint,3,0)
  23. IncreaseMaxHP(100)
  24. Advantage(AttackRoll)
  25. Advantage(AllAbilities)
  26. StatusImmunity(WEB)
  27. StatusImmunity(BURNING)
  28. StatusImmunity(DIFFICULT_TERRAIN)
  29. StatusImmunity(DIFFICULT_TERRAIN_MUD)
  31. StatusImmunity(SG_Possessed)
  32. RollBonus(Attack,2d4)
  33. RollBonus(SavingThrow,2d4)
  34. WeaponDamageResistance(Bludgeoning)
  35. WeaponDamageResistance(Slashing)
  36. WeaponDamageResistance(Piercing)
  37. UnlockSpell(Target_Blink_Activate)
  40. Tag(PETPAL)
  41. TemporaryHP(10)
  42. WeaponDamage(15,Piercing)
  43. WeaponEnchantment(5)
  44. GameplayLight(12,false,0.1)
  45. ACOverrideMinimum(13,true)
  46. ProjectileDeflect()
  47. CharacterWeaponDamage(1d6+2,Lightning)


Load with Cheat Engine

Download the mod

Start the game

Run and Attach CE to game’s .exe.

Load downloaded table

Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1

  • Last update: Wednesday, December 6, 2023
  • Genre: RPG
  • File size: 73.9 KB
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