Cyberpunk 2077: Riders on the Storm walkthrough Cyberpunk 2077 guide, walkthrough
Last update: 22 January 2021
On this page of the Cyberpunk 2077 tutorial, you will find a walkthrough of the Riders on the Storm side quest. This is the first Panam's side mission. From our walkthrough, you will learn how to infiltrate the Raffen Shiv camp, where Saul is imprisoned, how to save him, and how to start a romance with Panam.
- Unlocking the task
- Reconnaissance of Raffen Shiv camp
- Infiltrating Raffen Shiv camp and finding Saul
- Escape from Raffen Shiv camp
- The scene on the farm - a beginning of an affair with Panam
Unlocking the task

How to start the quest: You must complete the main Life During Wartime quest and thus lead to the kidnapping and questioning of Anders Hellman. Panam helps you realize this plan, and the mentioned quest is the first of Panam's additional storyline.
Some time after the completion of the mission, Panam will contact you by phone. You must agree to meet with her. To do this, you need to reach the Aldecaldo camp located in the Badlands.
Reconnaissance of Raffen Shiv camp

From Panam, you will find out that Saul was kidnapped, and he is most likely being held in the Raffen Shiv camp. You may agree to take part in the rescue operation. If you are planning to have an affair with Panam later in the game (it will be possible for a male character), it is best to agree to help unconditionally, without asking for payment. A unique dialog option is also available for the Nomad.
Follow Panam and listen to the plan during the meeting with other nomads. You will learn that the optimal solution is to infiltrate the enemy camp with two people.

Mitch will join the meeting. Take a shard from him, and the drone reconnaissance will begin. You cannot control the drone, although you can zoom in and out the camera and use the scanner to find interesting places and traces. Only two scans are mandatory:
- Tire tracks from a heavy vehicle.
- Truck parked behind the building.
In other cases, they are optional, but it is worth scanning the sniper and knowing the entrances to the main building and its interior. After the drone completes the flight, close the view from its camera.

Get the specific SuperJet from Mitch, which will be used to help Saul to regain full strength. Now you have a choice - you can leave with Panam or reach your destination alone and meet her on the spot. When you get to your destination, climb to a small hill where you see the whole camp.
The first option - to go with Panam, is better. There is a risk to fail the quest if you do not reach your destination within one day after meeting at the nomad camp.
Infiltrating Raffen Shiv camp and finding Saul
Note: You can infiltrate the camp in two ways - you can sneak in or fight (also when enemies will detect you). Even if an alarm is triggered, Saul will not die. The choice of tactics depends on your preferences. Stealth is much safer, but you will not have the opportunity to collect large amounts of XP and loot.

If you are planning to sneak in, it is a good idea to sneak into the large green container on the left, marked in the picture. On the way, you can meet a single opponent, and it is best to get rid of him quietly. Climb onto the container.

After entering the complex, it is advisable to avoid eliminating other enemies as their bodies can be found later (you would have to hide them well). We recommend relying on hacking to distract enemies and sneaking behind their backs.

If you plan to take part in fights, you may need a sniper rifle. Get rid of two snipers or at least force them to go down. In the further phase of fighting, look for opportunities to attack enemies from behind the cover, use battle hooks or throw grenades at them.

Ultimately, you need to get inside the main Corp-Bud building. If you decided to sneak in, it is worth choosing the left staircase and enter the building by the door on the first floor. If you are fighting open battles, you can choose, for example, the main entrance.

On the floor of the building, you can optionally visit the control room. By default, there is one enemy in it, and when being stealthy, you can easily surprise him, but don't let the other enemies from the upper balconies notice you. There is a computer there, which you can use to turn off the cameras and check the cameras' preview. Already on the first one, you will see Saul.

Regardless of the chosen style of play, you have to reach the stairs leading to the basement. If you have chosen stealth, rely on the techniques distracting your enemies or hack their eye prosthesis.
In the basement, you can kill or bypass enemies. You can also deal with another opponent in the computer room.

Saul is imprisoned in the last room of the basement. If you do not want to start an alarm, hack, turn off, or destroy the room's camera before approaching him. Apply SuperJet from Mitch on Saul so that he can return to full strength and can help you during the escape from the camp.
Before you start escaping, it is worth searching the basement. There should be a lot of loot and credits there.
Escape from Raffen Shiv camp

Definitely, the easiest way to escape is to use the Technical Ability attribute on the ventilation tunnel grate. If you have enough points of this attribute, the action will be successful, and you will be able to avoid any confrontation with opponents. V and Saul will immediately reach Panam's van and leave the area.

If you do not have enough Technical Ability points, you have to go back through the basement and then the first floor of the main building.
- If you have been sneaking so far, look for opportunities to avoid, distract, or eliminate your enemies silently. You don't have to worry that someone will discover the bodies later because you won't spend much time in the camp.
- If you have chosen to fight, expect the reinforcements to arrive. Enemies will start appearing as soon as you reach the exit door from the basement room where Saul was imprisoned.

If you had to choose to cross the main building again, Panam will drive into the camp area in a van and park it on the right. Eliminating enemies that do not stand in your way is not required.
Also, expect the chase if you have raised the alarm. Enemy cars may appear while fleeing the camp. Use any of your weapons and shoot vehicles to destroy them. Fortunately, you don't have to get rid of all the hostile machines.
The scene on the farm - a beginning of an affair with Panam

The chase or ride will be stopped by a huge sandstorm, and the heroes will be forced to find shelter on the farm. Reach the main hut. It is dark there - go to the side room and repair the fuse box.
Talk to Panam, go outside and reach the outside panel. Fix the fuse to restore the power supply. You can now go back inside.

Talk to Panam and Saul and sit down on the couch. If you play as a man, you have the opportunity to start an affair with Panam. You can choose special dialog options concerning:
- Taking off Panam's shoes.
- Putting your hand on Panam's thighs.
Even though you won't be able to sleep with Panam now, this is a requirement for a closer relationship with her later in the game. V will soon fall asleep.
We have described the affair with Panam in more detail in a separate chapter in our guide - Romances.

After you wake up the next day, go outside. Talk to Panam and move towards the motorcycle. You will receive a reward for completing the mission - the Overwatch sniper rifle, which Panam was using so far. This is a sniper weapon, which is characterized by a high power despite the fact that it is equipped with a silencer. It also has a great telescope.
If you flirted with Panam last night, you could refer to this scene, and Panam would kiss V. Then, listen to the conversation with Johnny. The quest will end after a while.