Cyberpunk 2077: Happy Together walkthrough Cyberpunk 2077 guide, walkthrough
Last update: 25 January 2021
This page of the Cyberpunk 2077 guide contains a walkthrough of the side quest When you look into the abyss - Happy Together. You will learn how to talk to Barry (V's neighbor), how to unlock the good ending of the quest and whether you can fail the quest.
Start of the quest

How to begin the quest: You can unlock it after reaching act 2 of the campaign. Start in V's apartment - leave it and go to the police officers knocking on the door of V's neighbor.

The police officers are Mendez and Petrova - you can talk to them to learn about Barry. He is their friend, with whom they lost touch with after he recently left the police force.

Knock on Barry's door - nobody will open.

Busy yourself with other activities and return to Barry's apartment after about three hours in the game world - this time Barry will open the door and invite you inside.
Using the skip time option might not work in this situation. You have to leave the vicinity of the apartment building and then return after about 3 hours.
Good ending

In the course of the meeting with Barry you will learn that his best friend Andrew died. During the conversation, choose the optional blue dialogue choices to ask Barry additional questions, for example to inquire about the deceased.

You will receive an optional quest goal to visit the columbarium, which is a sort of cemetery equivalent. To progress, head towards the North Oak district.
You need to find Andrew's tombstone which will inform you that he was a turtle. You can immediately talk to Johnny about it.

Go back to Barry's apartment and talk to the police officers again. Tell them about the turtle being the real cause of Barry's sorrow. Mendez and Petrova will want to help Barry get out of this difficult situation, while V will receive eurodollarsas a reward.
Bad ending

You may get the bad ending of this quest if:
- You wait too long to return to Barry's apartment after he does not open the door for the first time.
- You fail to visit the columbarium and learn that Barry is a turtle but instead immediately return and have the final conversation with the police officers.
On subsequent visits to the apartment building you will notice that the apartment is now a crime scene. The quest will fail.