Sword of Convallaria (SoC) - Abyss Build, Debuff Your Enemies
In Sword of Convallaria you will recruit many characters with different sets of skills. In this guide we present the build for Abyss, character that specialized in debuffing enemies.

Sword of Convallaria is a well received free-to-play jRPG set in a fantasy world. You will recruit many interesting mercenaries to your team during the game. These include Abyss. From this guide you will learn what is the best build for this character.
Best Build for Abyss in Sword of Convallaria
If you are interested in characters from Sword of Convallaria, then I recommend you to check out our tier list. We also created builds for many other powerful mercenaries like Magnus, Samantha, Nungal, Garcia, Tempest, Edda, Maitha, Beryl, Rawiyah, Inanna, Gloria, Col, Dantalion, Momo, Faycal or Alexei. You can also read the summary here.
Samantha is a character that specializes in debuffs. She can inflict many negative statuses on enemies. At the same time, her skills apply additional damage. The intriguing thing in her case is that you will unlock the most powerful skills at the beginning of the tree.
- RK1 – Hypnosis applies 35% damage and inflicts sleep for 2 turns. Works for one target. It is extremally useful ability.
- RK3 – Corruption at the end of the turn applies 2 random lvl 1 debuffs for 2 turns on 1 random enemy within 3 tile radius of the character.
- RK5 – Protection of Darkness causes every debuff on the attacker to decrease their DMG by 10% (up to 30%). Moreover, this reaction further decreases damage taken by additional 8%.
- RK7 – Dark Ripple deals 70% damage to all enemies within 2-tiles radius and disables their passive and reaction skill for 2 turns.
- RK9 – Invigorating Strike is a basic attack that deals 80% magical DMG and recovers 1 NRG.