Cyberpunk 2077: User interface Guide Cyberpunk 2077 guide, walkthrough
Last update: 23 February 2021
From this page you will learn what the user interface in Cyberpunk 2077 looks like and how it changes depending on the situation.
The user interface in Cyberpunk 2077 is very clear and intuitive. There are no unnecessary elements on the main screen that could interfere with the game or distract the Player. However, some of the elements of the interface only appear in certain circumstances.
Main interface

- [1] The top left corner of the screen displays information about the current experience level of the character (along with the blue experience points progress bar), the character's health bar along with icons denoting particular positive or negative status effect currently affecting the character, and the Cyberdeck RAM capacity (blue vertical lines under the health bar);
- [2] The Stamina bar, which only appears on the screen when the character performs actions that drain their physical strength, such as running or attacking with a melee weapon;
- [3] A clear minimap that displays the path to the main job objective (yellow dashed line), as well as an optional custom map pin placed by the Player (blue dashed line). If you find yourself in a hostile area, you will see a relevant notification in the form of a red box below the minimap;
- [4] The name of the main or side job that is currently being tracked, along with information about the current objective;
- [5] In the lower right corner of the screen you can see your character's current position (crouching or standing), the weapon currently equipped by V, the ammunition supply (red number) and the amount of ammo in the magazine (blue number). Above this panel, you may also spot two shortcut keys that correspond with quick melee attacks (Q) and weapon reloading (R);
- [6] In the lower left corner of the screen, the cell phone icons are displayed, along with the number of contacts (T), the vehicle menu (V), as well as the stock of first-aid kits (X) and grenades that V is currently carrying in their equipment (Mouse roll).
Boss fight interface

During clashes with the bosses of Cyberpunk 2077, an additional element appears on the screen - the opponent's large red health bar. On the right side of the bar you can see the percentage of health the boss has left, and the opponent's name is displayed above the bar.
Vehicle Interface

After taking a seat in a vehicle (car, motorcycle), additional information is displayed on the main screen.
- [1] A speedometer;
- [2] A panel with keyboard shortcuts used for: switching the camera mode (Q), changing the radio station (R), exiting the vehicle/getting off the motorcycle (F).