Red Dead Redemption 2: The Delights of Van Horn - walkthrough Red Dead Redemption 2 Guide and Walkthrough
During The Delights of Van Horn, the gang prepares an ambush on a military convoy that carries dynamite. Our Red Dead Redemption 2 walkthrough offer a detailed solution for the mission.
Last update: 28 September 2022
The Delights of Van Horn is one of the main missions available in Red Dead Redemption 2. Bill and Arthur want to ambush a military convoy transporting dynamite - the convoy will move through Van Horn.

How to unlock: After "Just a Social Call".
Walkthrough: Meet with Micah. Then, you have to follow Bill to the place of the ambush. Go up the stairs, get closer to the opening in the wall, take out your rifle with a scope, and wait for Bill to start attacking. Try to get 5 headshots - this is one of the requirements for the gold medal.

Once all enemies are dead, run towards Bill and get inside the wagon. As always, you will be chased by enemies. Shoot them all - remember that you are in a wagon full of dynamites. Don't let the enemies shoot it.
Reach the point marked by the game - this will end the mission.
How to get a gold medal in The Delights of Van Horn?
- Headshot 5 soldiers with a long scoped rifle - Headshot 5 enemies right after Bill starts his attack.
- Complete with at least 85% accuracy - A classic RDR2 challenge that requires high accuracy.