Delta Force Hawk Ops - Alpha Test End Date Explained
If you are wondering how long the fun will last in Delta Force Hawk Ops alpha tests, here you will learn more about its end date.

Whenever we can test a game before its official launch, it’s a great opportunity to assess whether we would like to buy it (or commit if it’s f2p) when it finally releases. Of course, a lot can change after such a trial period, yet it at least gives us a glimpse of what we are dealing with. Developers from Team Jade gave us an opportunity to check out their latest production, Delta Force: Hawk Ops, early during their closed alpha tests. If you were lucky and received access to this event, you probably wonder when this playtest ends. Here you will find your answer.
End date of alpha tests of Delta Force Hawk Ops
If you are having a blast in alpha tests of Delta Force Hawk Ops, you probably wonder how long will the fun last. However, there is no official playtest end date. That doesn’t mean that we cannot try to estimate it.
Considering the fact that there will be two events on Twitch on August 10th and 17th providing drops with the keys granting access to alpha, we can expect that the test will last at least a week or two after the last drop. This means that, at worst, the alpha test period should end no sooner than on August 24th. Please keep in mind that it is only a speculation, and the actual end date can differ.
If by any chance you still didn’t receive your key, there is still a chance. You can learn more about the process here. And even if you are not able to get the key this time, worry not, as most probably there will be further tests down the line. It is also worth mentioning that the progress from alpha will not carry over to full production. Additionally, as a silver lining, when the title finally releases, it will be free-to-play, so you will be able to pick it up at no extra cost. Good luck!