Cyberpunk 2077: Corporate Ending - Arasaka Cyberpunk 2077 guide, walkthrough
Last update: 12 February 2021
From this page you will find out what the ending of Cyberpunk 2077 looks like if you decided to help Hanako and chose to cooperate with the Arasaka Corporation.
After V helps Hanako in the implementation of the plan to recover Arasaka Tower from Yorinobu, the Emperor's daughter keeps her word and agrees to help remove the biochip. V leaves Hanako with her brother, and goes to the elevator with Hellman. There, he once again loses consciousness.
Where is My Mind?

V is transferred to the Arasaka Research Space Station where the best neurosurgeons will attempt to remove the biochip from their head. During the operation you have one last chance to talk to Johnny Silverhand, who is about to cease to exist.

After the conversation with Johnny, you will wake up in the operating room. Unfortunately, no one will want to give you any information about how the surgery went and what impact it had on V's personality. You will be escorted to a room by one of the guards.

From time to time V will undergo various tests to check their physical and mental fitness. This sequence will be repeated many times, and each time you ask about V's condition, you will not get any answer.

From TV broadcasts you will learn that Yorinobu was indeed punished for his actions. The Arasaka Company used his body to bring back to life the late Emperor Saburo. The man once again became the head of the corporation.

At some point you will be able to call your friends. This choice is completely optional, of course. After some time a representative of Arasaka will appear in the room. If you have saved Takemura during the Search and Destroy Main Job, he will be the one to visit you. If not, you will be greeted by Anders Hellman.
No matter which man appears in the room, he won't have good news for you. Unfortunately, the surgery did not have the expected results - the Relic was removed, but too much damage was done as a result. V has only a few weeks left to live and Arasaka offers to store their personality in a Mikoshi construct until a suitable donor is found.
Immediate transfer of V's personality to another body is out of the question because the biochip has caused terrible havoc V's body and as of this time it will not be possible to find the right body to receive the transplant. How long will it take? It's impossible to tell.

V is not convinced about this solution claiming that the Arasaka Company wants to trap him in a construct and gain the right to do whatever they want with him. That is why Hanako made sure that a special contract was written up to protect V from such an eventuality.
You sign the contract with Arasaka
You agree to Arasaka's proposal. You sign the contract and say you don't want to die. You then go to the operating room at the space station and sit in the chair and Arasaka's neurosurgeons will perform the procedure.

You do not sign the contract with Arasaka
You do not agree with the proposal made by Arasaka, claiming that you have come to terms with your fate. You pack your things and go back to Earth where you will spend the last weeks of life.