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Chessmaster: Grandmaster Edition - game update v.1.02 - Download

Game update (patch) to Chessmaster: Grandmaster Edition , a(n) puzzle game, v.1.02, added on Wednesday, December 19, 2007.

file typeGame update

file size82.1 MB


(last 7 days)8

last updateWednesday, December 19, 2007

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version: v.1.02

Chessmaster Grandmaster v1.02 new features:

a new mini-game: Chain Reaction

The theme of this game is to connect the movement paths of (at least) three pieces of the same kind. A number of random pieces is deployed on the board. The player has to move a piece in order to connect movement paths and/ or discover movement paths connections. If the player makes a chain by connecting pieces of the same kind, he receives points for each connected piece, then the connected pieces are removed from the board. If the player moves a piece without connecting or discovering a connection, more pieces are spawned on the board. Bonus points are awarded when the player connects more than 3 pieces.

5 new chess sets (African, Futura, Humana, Insider, MinimaSteel);

1 new skin (Metal);

  • Last update: Wednesday, December 19, 2007
  • Genre: Puzzle
  • File size: 82.1 MB