Fallout London: Where to find books for Syd? Fallout London guide, tips
After getting into the good graces of the Vagabonds gang residing in the Swan & Mitre pub, you will have the opportunity to help one of the gangsters learn to read. On this page of the Fallout London guide we described how to complete the Catching Up quest and where to find the required books.
Last update: 06 August 2024
Catching Up is a side quest for the Vagabonds gang, one of the first factions encountered in Fallout London. You can accept it after eliminating the enemy scout for Yvette the medic. The task will be given to you by Sabretooth Syd, one of the gangsters hanging out on the ground floor of the gang's headquarters, the Swan & Mitre pub. On this page of the guide, we have described where to find books for him, including the particularly desired book called Dove's Dilemma.
- Starting the task
- Exploring the main part of the library
- Battle in the library's right wing
- Where is Dove's Dilemma book?
- Completing the quest
Starting the task

You can start the quest in the Swan & Mitre pub. Talk to Sabretooth Syd, one of the gangsters hanging out on the ground floor of the pub. He will ask you for help - he wants to learn how to read, for which he needs a few books from the nearby library. He is particularly interested in the book called Dove's Dilemma. The aforementioned Churchill Library is located not far south of the pub - but you must beware of the feral ghouls roaming inside.
Exploring the main part of the library

The library is quite a large building consisting of several floors. The enemies in this location are ghouls who can occasionally take you by surprise - they pretend to be corpses or can crawl out of the walls. Look out for the red dots on the compass at the bottom of the screen - ghouls attack one at a time, so if you encounter one, get rid of it before you continue exploring. It is also worth mentioning that you will find many books here - they do not count towards the task, as you need copies with titles. You can find these in the right wing of the library.

The first thing you should do is hack the terminal right next to the entrance door. It will allow you to activate a guard robot that will fight on your side. The robot is very slow, so you have to lead the ghouls to it, but it can eliminate them very easily. On the ground floor you will also find a locked door leading to the right wing of the library (you need a key) and a room locked from the inside - we described how to get there a few paragraphs below.

In the basement you will find a locked door to the room with banned books (you need a key), a locked safe with medicines and a terminal for returning overdue books found in the library. Placing them in the terminal will give you points that you can spend on small rewards, mainly useful for crafting. There are also two toilets here - in the open toilet (in the sink) you will find the key to the room with banned books, and in the closed one, two Molotov cocktails. In the mentioned room you will find a lot of books - they are too complicated for Syd, but they can be sold for a decent price.

On the first floor, you will find a hole in the floor leading to a locked room on the ground floor - there are several books inside. In the room marked with the Locksmith plaque, you will find a safe with a weapon and some ammunition.

On the second floor you will find a locked door to the kitchen (there are only some crafting materials inside). Pay attention to the Director's Quarters - do not enter through the door. There is a trap shotgun installed there that will shoot at you when you walk through the door. We recommend shooting the ghoul lying in the room through the open window - the ghoul will stand up and run through the door to attack you, triggering the trap along the way. In the room you will find a locked weapon case and on the desk there is a key to the right wing of the library.
Battle in the library's right wing

In the right wing you will have to fight several ghouls at once. The guard robot can't come in here with you, so you're on your own. It's a good idea to use firearms here to eliminate a few ghouls before they get close to you - the enemies are quite far away from you, so there's enough time to get rid of them. After the fight, search both floors of the room. On the shelves and in the boxes you will find ammunition, explosives and books with titles that you need to complete the quest.
Where is Dove's Dilemma book?

The book Syd wants is also in the right wing of the library, but it is hidden better than the rest. Go up the ramp made of rubble to the upper floor of the room. Right next to the ramp there is a shelf with a cardboard box on it. Drop the box with a melee attack or by shooting at it - the Dove's Dilemma book is under the box.
Completing the quest

After getting the books, leave the library and return to the pub to talk to Syd and give him the books. This will complete the quest. As a reward, you will receive experience and a napkin with written thanks. If you also delivered Dove's Dilemma to Syd, the reward will be much better - you will receive the Lucky Eight Ball perk, which will permanently increase your Luck by 1 point.