Cyberpunk Phantom Liberty: Shot by Both Sides - walkthrough Cyberpunk 2077 guide, walkthrough
Shot by Both Sides is a side quest from Phantom Liberty from the meeting with journalist Bree Whitney. Our walkthrough for Cyberpunk 2077 describes where to find the bamboo in Bree's apartment, how to meet Bree, how to neutralize the ochon systems, and how to score the confrontation with Dante.
Last update: 04 October 2023
One of the side jobs in the Phantom Libertyexpansion for Cyberpunk 2077 is Shot by Both Sides. The walkthrough from this page of the guide explains how to break into Bree Whitney's apartment, where the bamboo plant is, where to look for Bree, how to disarm the security systems from the underground lab, and the main choices from the meeting with Dante.
- Unlock the side quest and reach Bree's apartment
- Find the bamboo plant and access card
- Meet with Bree in Dogtown
- Scan the area and get rid of threats
- Watch the recordings
- Confrontation with Dante
Unlock the side quest and reach Bree's apartment

- This task should appear in your journal as you travel through Dogtown. You must call Mr. Hands to get details of the job. It concerns providing assistance to journalist Bree Whitney.
- Bree's apartment is in Wellsprings in Heywood. Use the elevator and reach the 3rd floor. You need to break into the apartment - use Body or Technical Ability (in both cases, 3 attribute points are enough).
Find the bamboo plant and access card

- The sought-after bamboo is not in the main room, but in a side room, next to the computer (see image above). Scan it.
- An interactive stash will appear at the bottom. Investigate it and you will find a Militech access card.
- You can optionally talk to a neighbor who knocks on the door. Respond in any way you like and you will learn that Bree has not been in the apartment lately and about the suspicious company in the block. Afterwards, write to Hands. He will schedule a meeting with Bree after dark.
Meet with Bree in Dogtown

- You need to reach the block of apartments on Kress Street, which also includes V's appartment. Use the elevator and go down to the lower level.
- You need to get to the second part of the yellow area from the minimap - locate the ladder from the picture and go through the partially flooded corridor.

- Head to the outskirts of the area and go under the collapsed part of the building. You will encounter Bree.
- Say that Hands is sending you and show Bree the access card. She may mention that you came at the wrong time (the meeting was supposed to take place after dark), but you don't have to wait and you will immediately get on with the rest of the quest.
Scan the area and get rid of threats

Follow Bree. Optionally, you can question her for details along the way. You now have to go through rooms with several security measures. They are:
- Security cameras - it is best to disable them by hacking them from a distance.
- Turrets - they will become active only if cameras notice you and an alarm is raised.
- Mines - you can disarm them (you need 9 points of Technical Ability) or destroy them by shooting them.

- During the crossing you can additionally break into the side room with the computer - shown on the picture. By using the computer, you can disable all the security measures.
Note - There is also a camera directly above the computer. Sabotage it if you're taking the stealth approach.
Watch the recordings

- You will reach the last room with a large computer. You can play 3 recordings (in any order). With this, you will learn about Militech's project.
Confrontation with Dante

Dante from Militech will appear in the room. You can optionally listen to his version of events and what Bree intends to do with the evidence. The two main options for concluding this confrontation are:
- Kill Dante - You can shoot him right away or after he targets Bree in the final part of the confrontation. Dante will drop iconic revolver called Ol' Reliable.

- Strike a deal with Dante - After you listen to his side of the story, you must not react to him targeting Bree and let him kill her. You will receive a shard with evidence against Bree, as well as 5,000 eddies.
After everything is done, leave the underground laboratory. Mr. Hands will call - he will be angry if Bree died and happy if you completed the quest her way (you will receive 5,000 eddies).