Elden Ring: Sites of Grace (Mohgwyn Palace) - list of all Elden Ring guide, walkthrough
Mohgwyn Palace in undergroud region in Elden Ring. You can find there Sites of Grace, in which you can rest, where you respawn after death and where you can refill Flasks of Tears.
Last update: 05 March 2024
#1 � Dynasty Mausoleum Entrance
#2 � Dynasty Mausoleum Midpoint
#3 � Cocoon of the Empyrean
#4 � Palace Approach Ledge-Road
On this page of the Elden Ring guide, you can find a list of all Sites of Grace appearing in Mohgwyn Palace. Access to this region is granted by completing a line of quests received from White Mask Varre.
Among other things, Sites of Grace serve as checkpoints. If you die, you will respawn at the Site of Grace with which you have most recently interacted with.
As you traverse the entire underground region of Mohgwyn Palace, you will encounter 4 Sites of Grace.

There are two ways of getting access to Mohgwyn Palace. The first one is to progress enough in the main storyline. During it, you'll reach a secret region called Consecrated Snowfield. In the east of the region there is a bloodied teleport that will take you to the Palace.

The second way is to use the Pureblood Knight's Medal. To learn more about this way of accessing Moghwyn Palace, visit a dedicated page of the guide (White Mask Varre).