Cyberpunk 2077: Ghost Town walkthrough Cyberpunk 2077 guide, walkthrough
Last update: 12 January 2021
This page of the Cyberpunk 2077 game guide includes a detailed description of the Ghost Town mission walkthrough.
Takemura wants to find Anders Hellman, and Rogue can help him. Interestingly enough, she is an old friend of Johnny's so he gives up his desire to murder V and decides to cooperate.
- Head to the Afterlife
- Talk to Rogue
- Call Panam
- Meet with Panam
- Scan the devices in the area
- Take Panam's car
- Defeat Nash and his people.
Head to the Afterlife

Enter the club and go to the back to meet Rogue, Johnny's old friend. The woman will be in intensive conversation with Panam so you will have to wait a while.

Rogue won't be sure if she wants to help you, because she knows how all those who previously worked with V ended up. Luckily, Johnny will help you during the conversation and you will finally come to an agreement, but the fixer's help will cost a lot - $15 000 . After the payment, Rogue will need some time to get the necessary information. Sit down at the bar and wait.
If you haven't collected such an amount yet, it's a perfect time to take up a few side jobs. You can also sell unnecessary equipment to get some money.
Talk to Rogue

Go back to Rogue and pick up an intel shard from her. Netrunner found Hellman in the proprietary records of QianT (subsidiary of Kang Tao, a Chinese corporation). It is used as a cover for "sensitive" operations. It appears that they are preparing Hellman for the transfer, and Rogue has the route of the nearest Kang Tao transports decrypted for V. The woman even managed to determine in which vehicle they would transport Anders.
The action plan is as follows: you must intercept Hellman in the Jacskon Plains area, out of Night City jurisdiction and out of Kang Tao range. The mercenary Panam Palmer will help you with this task. Money is not the only payment that Rogue will accept from V. Before Panam Palmer will help V, he will have to help her recover her lost shipment and car.
Call Panam

Use the contact you received from Rogue and call Panam to inform her that you can help her. The woman will invite you to the train station on Bonita Street. Go to the indicated location.
Meet with Panam

Talk to Panam about what you have learned from Rogue and why you need her help. The merc is not very eager, but she will agree to cooperate. Before you go to Rocky Ridge, Panam wants to first meet with her friends who can help you during the action.

Take the passenger seat and go to meet with Mitch and Scorpion. The men would be happy to help, but Saul (the commander) assigned them to work on the generators. They cannot move from the camp, but in return they will give you some equipment.

Follow Panama to the tent and take a box with additional equipment, then go back to the car with Nomadka, load the equipment into the trunk and take a passenger seat. Time to go to Rocky Ridge. If you want, you can talk to Panama on many different topics during the drive or skip the road to get to your destination right away.
Scan the devices in the area

It is time to get down to business and find something that can be used for an ambush. Scan any three electrical devices to discover that there is a power shortage in the town - power needs to be restored.

Follow Panama and use Kiroshi to scan the transformer and then the power source (on top of the building). Talk to Panama to discuss further action.

Take the cables from the trunk and connect them to the car battery. First a plus and then a minus.

Now you need to get to a nearby building to restore power. Break down the door (at least 8 points required) or break out the window, then approach the computer and activate the local network. Go from Panama to the roof and wait for the opponents to arrive.
Take Panam's car
After a short while, the Raffens will arrive and Panama will recommend you to turn on the power - do it. Before you begin, scan your surroundings and mark all Raffen Shiv patrols. Your main goal is to recover Panam's car, and the keys to it are held by one of the guards - a woman with an Iroquois named Wraith. You can, of course, shoot everyone, but if you want to act quietly, use the following tips.

Go down the stairs from the roof and wait for the Raffens to split up. Avoid or silently liquidate the nearest target (hide the body, e.g. behind a car).

Cross the street, enter the bar and take care of another opponent. The woman sitting on the sofa is not very active so hack the slot machine marked in the picture above to catch her attention.

When a woman starts to look at the machine, approach it from behind and eliminate - you can leave the body, it will not be noticed.

Then go upstairs and take care of the Wraith. Attack when it is turned towards the windows. Remember to take her key to Thorton, a Panama car.

Now you can decide whether you take the car quietly and roll away from Rocky Ridge or finish off the other thugs. If you choose the second option, Panam will help you fight and get in the car with you. If you want to leave without a fight, you will have to meet Panama under the city, on the north side.

This is not the end with Raffen Shiv. Panam wants revenge on Nash - you can help her or not.
- Agree: You go to Raffen Shiv's hiding place in a nearby mine and there you will have a hard fight;
- Refuse: you want to stick to the original plan, which did not take revenge on Nashu into account. Panama will not be happy about this, but after some time it will pass.
Defeat Nash and his people.

Panamas will not stick around and just drive into the Raffen Burrow and the fight will start immediately. Opponents will be everywhere - in the main arena, but also on the side platforms. It is best to use a long-range weapon with a sight, accurately aim at the head and eliminate gang members one by one.
Nash, their leader, is more durable and is equipped with a much stronger weapon (sniper with good zoom) so do not expose yourself to gunfire.

After the fight, collect all the fans and talk to Panama, and then get in her car to the passenger seat. You will go to the Sunset Motel to make Panama do business with God.

Once the goods have been delivered and accepted, meet with Panama in a nearby bar. Talk to her and conduct the conversation as you wish. The mission will be over and you will immediately move on to the next main task - the Last One Turns off the light ( Lightning Breaks).