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Ubisoft Explained Why We Had to Wait So Long for Assassin's Creed Game Set in Japan
Maciej Gaffke, 13 August 2024, 03:19
The lead producer of Assassin's Creed: Shadows gave reasons why we had to wait so long for an installment of the series set in Japan.

Are „Dead” Games a Good Thing? Palworld Dev Believes That Emphasis on „Endless Development” Is Bad for the Industry
Jacob Blazewicz, 31 July 2024, 04:28
John „Bucky” Buckley of PocketPair studio joined developers criticizing current trends of looking at the success of games (including Palworld) only through the prism of the number of players in a given title.

Kingdom Come 2 Set to Be More 'Dark and Serious.' However, Devs Assure Style Continuity from Original
Jacob Blazewicz, 22 April 2024, 00:46
Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 will be better, more serious, and darker than the first installment of the series, but the Warhorse Studio is talking about evolution rather than revolution.

RoboCop Devs Have Eyes On Several Big IPs. They Also Revealed Rogue City Was Done in 3 Years
Kamil Kleszyk, 11 January 2024, 07:10
In an interview with Exputer, the director of RoboCop: Rogue City, Piotr Latocha, revealed some interesting facts about the game's development and Teyon studio's plans for the future.

Will Pokemon Entertain Us for Hundreds of Years? That's What Head of The Pokemon Company Wants
Michal Harat, 22 November 2023, 02:00
In an interview with the editor of The Guardian, the chief operating officer of The Pokemon Company, Takato Utsunomiya, stated that the company's goal is to „keep Pokemon alive for hundreds of years.” In this regard, he also touched on several issues related to the brand's future.

Want to Ask Valve About Half-Life 3? You Just Got a Great Opportunity
Jacob Blazewicz, 11 October 2023, 07:36
Valve employees will soon answer questions from fans of Counter-Strike, Dota 2, Team Fortress 2 and the company's other games.

3,000 People Working on Call of Duty; Activision Has Plans for Several Years Ahead
Maciej Gaffke, 04 October 2023, 12:04
Call of Duty is a priority for Activision. Games in the series are planned several years ahead, so fans will certainly not be short of fun.

Abandoning Cyberpunk 2077 Was Not an Option: 'Version 2.0 is the Culmination'
Adam Adamczyk, 29 September 2023, 13:10
Project RED never intended to abandon Cyberpunk 2077. According to the game's director, all decisions, actions and updates led to version 2.0.

Video Games Should Cost $100, Capcom CEO Says
Maciej Gaffke, 26 September 2023, 11:39
You may soon have to pay a lot more for a copy of a video game. Such a solution is strongly advocated by Capcom's CEO.

Peter Molyneux Regrets Making Exaggerated Promises About His Games
Maciej Gaffke, 06 September 2023, 15:39
The famous British programmer recently admitted that he is remorseful after interviews in which he made unfulfilled promises concerning his games.

Bethesda is Serious About Religion in Starfield; Team Consulted a Jesuit
Maciej Gaffke, 31 August 2023, 13:35
Religion will be one of the most important elements in the upcoming Starfield. The game's lead designer confessed that the help of a former screenwriter, a Jesuit who is currently training to be a priest, was enlisted.

Alan Wake 2 Will Have us More Vulnerable and the Enemies Bigger and More Dangerous
Maciej Gaffke, 11 August 2023, 12:01
The director of Alan Wake 2 has revealed new info about the game. During an interview with Edge, he revealed what series the developers were inspired by and what they focused on.

CP2077 Phantom Liberty With New Ending, but Not One Fans Would Like
Maciej Gaffke, 08 July 2023, 01:27
In a recent interview, a CD Projekt RED representative revealed that Phantom Liberty will introduce a new ending to Cyberpunk 2077.

Peter Molyneux Has an Idea 'Not Seen in Any Game Before'
Kamil Kleszyk, 07 July 2023, 15:24
The father of the Fable series and the unforgettable Black & White, Peter Molyneux, has revealed that his upcoming project will be reminiscent of the greatest hits he created.

Pawel Sasko Admits - This Element of Cyberpunk Was Too Much
Hubert Sledziewski, 03 July 2023, 13:58
Artists rarely consider their works fully completed. This also applies to game developers. Pawel Sasko of the CD Projekt Red studio shared with us which element of Cyberpunk 2077 they overdid – if he could, he would probably change it today!

Pawel Sasko on Blood Baron Quest: ''There was nothing like this in games before.''
Hubert Sledziewski, 03 July 2023, 13:42
The storyline of the Bloody Baron is one of the best, most mature stories in The Witcher 3 – and perhaps in games in general. Pawel Sasko from the CD Projekt Red studio told us about the inspiration behind it.

Pawel Sasko On Dramatic Death in The Witcher 3: ''It Had to Hurt.''
Hubert Sledziewski, 30 June 2023, 12:17
Pawel Sasko, the lead quest designer for The Witcher 3, revealed to us where he got the idea to kill an important character in Wild Hunt. Warning: spoilers!

CD Projekt Representative on Difficult Behind-the-scenes of Cyberpunk 2077's Development
Adam Celarek, 27 June 2023, 19:05
A representative of CD Projekt RED recently gave an interview to In it, the developer mentions the difficult process of rebuilding trust of gamers and shares general plans for the future.

'Starfield Has Fewer Bugs Than Any Bethesda Game as It is,' Claims Xbox Studios Head
Kamil Kleszyk, 13 June 2023, 12:39
There are many indications that Starfield will make a nice addition to Bethesda's portfolio. The upcoming space RPG is expected to be the least bugged production in the studio's history.

Did id Software Help With Starfield? Todd Howard Explains
Kamil Kleszyk, 12 June 2023, 16:06
In an interview with IGN, Bethesda Game Studios head Todd Howard revealed whether id Software, the studio behind Doom, helped with the development of Starfield.

Blizzard on Lack of Coveted Mechanic in Diablo 4: 'Nobody Said It Won't Return'
Zbigniew Woznicki, 09 June 2023, 16:12
Runic words have not appeared in the Diablo series since its second installment. Our editors had the opportunity to talk to the producers of Diablo 4 and find out whether this system has a chance to return.

I’ve Been Working on Starfield for 7 Years. Music for Fallout 3 Had to Be Written in Months
Kamil Kleszyk, 06 June 2023, 14:24
Inon Zur, a world-famous composer and longtime collaborator with Bethesda, in a conversation with, shared the behind-the-scenes of creating soundtracks for his most popular video games.

'It Used to be Easier'; Former Blizzard Employee on Hardships of Gamedev
Karol Laska, 06 June 2023, 13:21
Thiago Klafke, a former Blizzard and Ubisoft developer and current employee of 100 Thieves, told our editorial team about the hardships of game development, the inability to get rid of all bugs and the possible future of the industry.

Sapkowski Wrote a Sarcastic Letter to The Witcher Devs; They Put It in the Game
Hubert Sledziewski, 29 May 2023, 12:15
Andrzej Sapkowski had a bigger part in the development of the first The Witcher than you think and... than he thinks. He wrote a „sarcastic letter” to the developers at CD Projekt Red, which then made its way into the game.

WoW Dragonflight Was Made Because Blizzard was Ready to Change Approach to MMOs
Kamil Kleszyk, 01 May 2023, 22:52
World of Warcraft: Dragonflight dev Ion Hazzikostas revealed that the lauded expansion is the result of Blizzard's new strategy of listening to players' needs.

Diablo 4 May See Return of Well-liked Upgrade System From Diablo 2
Kamil Kleszyk, 27 April 2023, 13:00
The release of Diablo 4 is approaching. In connection with this, the developers are providing us with more and more - often ambiguous - information about the upcoming game. With this one they made a statement about the runic words known from the second installment.

Diablo 4 is Not Infinite; Dev Reveals More About Endgame
Kamil Kleszyk, 23 April 2023, 22:38
Despite the fact that Diablo IV's gameplay will enable players to surpass level 100, the game will have an ending. Some light was shed on the final boss battle by one of the creators of D4.

„Geralt Is Part of My Soul” We Talk to Doug Cockle, the Voice of the Witcher
Mike Manka, 14 April 2023, 19:09
We met virtually with Doug Cockle to talk about how he sees Geralt as a character and what The Witcher means to him as a brand. The actor also revealed the behind-the-scenes of his work with CD Projekt RED.

Clint Eastwood Inspired Geralt? The Witcher was Meant to Sound Like Character From This Movie
Kamil Kleszyk, 07 April 2023, 16:48
Actor Doug Cockle, who is known, among other things, as the voice of Geralt in the English version of The Witcher, gave an interview to the editors of The artist talked a bit about the process of preparing for his role and his inspiration from Clint Eastwood.

Out of Love to Original. Interview with Yoshiaki Hirabayashi about Resident Evil 4 Remake
Matthias Pawlikowski, 16 March 2023, 16:35
As the release of Resident Evil 4 Remake approaches, we talked to its producer, Yoshiaki Hirabayashi, about this installment.

“We create the games. You create the stories.” - Interview with Stephen Muray about Paradox Interactive and Stellaris
Matthias Pawlikowski, 16 March 2023, 16:09
We asked Stephen Muray, Game Director of Stellaris, a few questions about the franchise, its future and, maybe most importantly, will we survive contact with an alien civilization.

''I Wouldn’t Mind Making Another Historical Game.'' We Talk to Pentiment Director
Karol Laska, 05 March 2023, 12:00
Pentiment is one of the biggest surprises of the past year. The big company released a seemingly small title and didn't quite count on commercial success. More about Obsidian's gem is told to us by the game's director, Josh Sawyer.

Fallout: New Vegas and Pentiment Dev: 'I Don't Mind Another Historical Game"
Jacob Blazewicz, 04 March 2023, 17:27
The creator of Fallout New Vegas is thinking of returning to historical games after the success of Pentiment, but he is setting some conditions.

Interview: Minecraft Legends Developers Promise Strategy Like No Other
Darius Matusiak, 26 January 2023, 17:24
We've had a „Minecraft Diablo,” now comes a Minecraft strategy, which oddly is also supposed to be an action game. We asked the developers about how the two genres can be combined. Will Minecraft Legends convince hardcore strategy fans?

Obsidian Was to Make Avatar 2
Zbigniew Woznicki, 21 January 2023, 14:40
James Cameron may have teamed up with Obsidian to create the Avatar 2 game. The studio's CEO Feargus Urquhart revealed in an interview that the collaboration took place, but it was long before the game's release.

Fallout Dev on How he Messed up Game's Balance
Darius Matusiak, 18 January 2023, 17:55
How to spoil the fun in a game with one small detail? This is what the author of this „fix” knows best! Feargus Urquhart revealed to us how he once broke Fallout.

Naughty Dog's New Project Will be More of a TV Show Than a Game
Kamil Kleszyk, 28 December 2022, 13:38
Naughty Dog's Neil Druckmann has shed some light on the new project from the creators of The Last of Us. The developers' upcoming work is expected to resemble a TV show.

Gran Turismo 7 Not on PC After All? Series Creator Speaks Out
Jakub Tarchala, 23 December 2022, 12:49
In a recent interview for Dengeki Online, the GT series producer Kazunori Yamauchi, denied reports that the studio is working on a Gran Turismo 7 port for PC. However, the chances of the series appearing on PC are not zero.

Is Road to Vostok "STALKER from Finland”? We Ask the Developer
Darius Matusiak, 10 November 2022, 10:31
Road to Vostok is an extremely ambitious project for another realistic survival FPP with only one man behind it. We check out what the game will actually be about and whether it's closer to Stalker or perhaps Escape from Tarkov.

Talking to ETS2 & ATS Developer About Future of the Games
Darius Matusiak, 21 October 2022, 13:17
Euro Truck Simulator 2 is celebrating its 10th anniversary. It's a good moment to ask about how future content is being developed and what the plans are for the coming years. We asked Daniel Nemec of SCS Software about this at PGA22.

Dying Light 2 Expansion Will Be Different - Techland Revealed Details
Julia Dragovic, 29 August 2022, 15:06
Gamescom was full of announcements, and we managed to talk to one of Techland's employees about the upcoming Dying Light 2 expansion pack called Bloody Ties. It turns out that something really fresh is coming.

BlizzCon in 2023 - Blizzard Announces Return of Event
Hubert Sledziewski, 08 July 2022, 12:18
BlizzCon will return in 2023. Blizzard's CEO Mike Ybarra assured that work is underway to resume the once annual gaming event after a three-year hiatus.

We’re not going anywhere. Interview With Frogwares About Gamedev in Wartime Ukraine
Jakub Mirowski, 10 June 2022, 15:37
Russian invasion of Ukraine disrupted the functioning of the Kyiv-based Frogwares studio. But now the developers are back at work, and although they had to abandon their plans for bigger projects, they try to push on with their new title, snidely codenamed Project Palianytsia.

Hideo Kojima Wanted Metal Gear Solid Protagonist to Befriend Rats
Hubert Sledziewski, 12 April 2022, 14:54
In the first Metal Gear Solid, each rat was supposed to have a name, and Snake was originally to be able to befriend them. However, this wouldn't stop him from shooting the rodents in a certain boss fight that would make them increase in size.

Devs on Market Failure of Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy and Chances for Sequel
Hubert Sledziewski, 08 April 2022, 19:50
The creative director of Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy assured that Eidos Montreal wanted to make the best possible game. The developer attributes the lack of sales success to the prevailing trends on the market and the freshness of the brand. Nevertheless, he does not rule out a sequel.

Starfield Will Make Players 'Lose Their Minds,' Says Art Director
Jacob Blazewicz, 30 March 2022, 22:30
Starfield developers are „so close” to finishing their new project. Bethesda Game Studios' art director believes the company's first new brand in nearly 20 years will make the players 'lose their minds.'.

In Five Years, 90% of Games Will be Play-to-earn, Says Reddit Co-founder
Miriam Moszczynska, 21 January 2022, 14:24
If the vision of making money while playing games sounds like a dream to you, you'll have to wait another five years for it to come true. At least that's what one of Reddit's founders, Alexis Ohanian, thinks.

Bioshock Creator on the Cancelled Movie and No Commitment to New Installment
Michael Zegar, 12 January 2022, 20:55
BioShock creator Ken Levine has spoken out about his involvement in the fourth installment of the series and revealed whether he'll be playing it. He also commented on the behind-the-scenes situation of the cancelled movie and shared his thoughts on Hollywood.

Dark Souls Creator Calls Elden Ring the Best FromSoftware Game Ever
Hubert Sledziewski, 30 December 2021, 21:50
Elden Ring will be FromSoftware's best game according to its director Hidetaka Miyazaki. The father of the Souls series calls the upcoming title the culmination of everything the studio has created to date.

It Takes Two Dev Would Rather Get Shot in the Knee Than Bring NFTs to His Games
Miriam Moszczynska, 27 December 2021, 16:14
NFTs in video games sparks considerable controversy, which can be seen from the reactions of players and community in general. Josef Fares, the creator of It Takes Two, is also against the introduction of tokens to video games.