Elden Ring: Ranni questline - walkthrough Elden Ring guide, walkthrough
On this page of the Elden Ring guide, you will learn how to complete a series of quests related to Ranni, who is located in the Liurnia of the Lakes in Ranni's Rise.
Last update: 01 June 2022
On this page of our Elden Ring guide, you can find a walkthrough for a questline involving Ranni taking place in Lirunia of the Lakes, Ranni's Rise to be exact. Our walkthrough will show you the starting area of the questline, offer walkthroughs for the indiviudal tasks, and list rewards netted for completing them.

Most of the time, Ranni can be found in her tower, which is behind Carian Manor in Liurnia of the Lakes region.
How to proceed with the quest?
To start the Ranni questline, you need to travel to her and meet her in person. She can be found at the top of her tower. Talk to her and then offer your help.

Ranni will ask you to go talk to the projections of her companions who will be essential throughout the course of the first quest.

As you descend further and further down the tower, you'll encounter 3 projections. The first projection is that of Ijii the giant. You can find him in front ofCaria Manor. You'll encounter Ijii even before starting the questline, as this is the only way that leads to Ranni's Rise.

Another projection is that of Blaidd , the man-wolf. You will find him in Mistwood , in the ruins of the same name. To summon him, you need to visit the area at night. Once you hear a wolf howling, you need to get closer to the ruins and use the finger snap gesture, which is received from Kale the merchant in Limgrave, in Church of Elleh to be exact.

The final target is the projection of Seluvis, who can be found near Ranni's Rise, in Seluvis's Rise to be exact.

After talking to each of the projections, return to Ranni to find out what to do next. After talking with her, make a detour to visit Seluvis, who is in his tower. He will give you a task that you can complete at later date. It also influences Ranni's questline.

After the first meeting with Blaidd, he will now relocate to Siofra River underground location. You can access this region by using the well marked with yellow arrow in the screenshot.

Blaidd will be waiting in the eastern part of the region, near a chasm. To get there, travel to Siofra River Bank site of grace and go forward while sticking to the right side. Talk to him. Blaidd will tell you to go meet Seluvis.
After talking to Seluvis, he will reveal to you that Sorcerer Sellen may know how to get to Nokron. Travel to Waypoint Ruins in Limgrave . Talk to Sellen to learn that in order to get access to Nokron, you need to defeat Radahn.
Once the conversation concludes, travel back to Siofra River and meet Blaidd again. He will tell you that Radahn is organizing a festival in southern Caelid.

Travel to Redmane Castle, located in south-western Caelid. . Once you arrive, you'll notice a portal before the bridge that will allow you to reach festival grounds.

After defeating Radahn, talk to Blaidd, and ten travel to Fort Haight West site of grace in Limgrave.

As you reach the location, you'll notice many stone fragments kept in stasis. This is where the star has struck, unlocking the path to Nokron.

Descend by jumping on lower and lower ledges and enter Nokron, Eternal City. Continue traveling until you reach Ancestral Woods site of grace.

As you're near the site of grace, climb the ledge to return to the city. This is the path you must follow in order to find the treasure Ranni is looking for.

Keep moving forward until you're able to safely get down. You'll encounter a lot of mimics - kill them as fast as you can so they don't mimic your character. The treasure you're looking for (Fingerslayer Blade) is behind the enemies.

Once you have the item, return to Ranni, who remains in her tower. She will reward you with a Carian Inverted Statue. This item is required in order to continue Ranni's questline.

Your new destination isCarian Study Hall . The location is marked with an arrow in the screenshot.

Approach the large globe. As you approach the pedestal, place the item received from Ranni on it. This will make the library turn 180 degrees.

You have to keep going up until you come across huge chandeliers. However, watch out for an enemy firing at you with a magic bow.

As you find yourself on the chandelier, you must safely reach the wooden beams below.

Proceed slowly to avoid falling down, approach the area marked on the screenshot and then jump down to the platform. Stand in the middle to activate the mechanism.

Once you have used the platform, you will find yourself on a bridge. Watch out, as halfway you'll be attacked by a Godskin Noble in form of a regular opponent.

After defeating the opponent, travel to Divine Tower of Liurnia . At the top of the tower you will find a Cursemark of Death .

Now, instead of traveling to Ranni's Rise, make your way to Renna's Rise, shown in the screenshot.

At the top of the tower, you'll find Snow Witch Set and a teleport that will take you to a different part of Ainsel River. .

Once in the area, pick up Miniature Ranni, Then rest at the nearest site of grace.

As you are resting, select the penultimate option from the menu, which will allow you to talk to the doll. This is a mandatory step in this quest.

During the conversation, the miniature Ranni will tell you that you will have to defeat one enemy who is in this location. Exhaust all dialogue options and click the option until she will tell you about Baleful Shadows.

After the conversation, follow the path laid out by the river. Near the Lake of Rot, you will be attacked by the previously mentioned Baleful Shadow.

After defeating him, you will receive Discarded Palace Key .

Now you can go back to Raya Lucaria Grand Library . Next to Rennalia, there is a chest that has been locked until now. With the previously obtained key, you will be able to open the chest.

In it you will find Dark Moon Ring . This is a key item that will come into play in the final stage of Ranni's questline.

Now, if you haven't already, you must defeat Astel, Naturalborn of the Void . Go to the place marked in the screenshot. There you will find a coffin that you must enter. It will take you to Astel arena.

Once the enemy has been defeated, rest at a site of grace and then continue forward. Thanks to the ring you have, the seal blocking the way will disappear.

Moving on, you will get to a new location in Liurnia of the Lakes .

Travel to Cathedral of Manus Celes . Its exact location is shown in the screenshot. However, be careful while exploring this area, as the Glintstone Dragon Adula will appear near the cathedral.

You can defeat or ignore it and continue towards the cathedral. You don't have to defeat the dragon in order to gain access to the cathedral.

Once inside the cathedral, find and pickup 11 Starlight Shards , then head downstairs through the hole in the center of the cathedral. You'll find Ranni's body there. Now you must put the ring on her finger.
After you put the ring on, the quest will be concluded. Ranni will disappear and will reappear only after defeating the final boss - Elden Beast. There is a blue summoning sign in the arena. When you interact with it, you will unlock the Ranni ending.
Reward for completing the quest

Completing Ranni's questline yields a lot of rewards, among them, a new ending, and Dark Moon Greatsword.

In addition, you will receive the Snow Witch Set .