Elden Ring: Sites of Grace (Lake of Rot) - list of all Elden Ring guide, walkthrough
If you're looking for Sites of Grace in Lake of Rot, check our map. In Elden Ring you'll find checkpoints, where you can rest, where you respawn after death and where you can refill Flasks of Tears.
Last update: 05 March 2024
#1 � Lake of Rot Shoreside
#2 � Grand Cloister
On this page of the Elden Ring guide, you will learn where to find all Sites of Grace in Lake of Rot. You will gain access to this region after reaching the south-eastern part of the Ainsel River Main.
Among other things, Sites of Grace serve as checkpoints. If you die, you will respawn at the Site of Grace with which you have most recently interacted with.
While exploring the underground region of the Lake of Rot, you will be able to discover 2 Sites of Grace.

Lake of Rot is a very large area. While exploring it, you will get inflicted with scarlet rot. If you want to explore this location, it is worth equipping yourself with items that reduce scarlet rot to zero, and put on armor that protects against it.