How to Easily Fix Of Lambs and Wolves Door Bug in Diablo 4 (D4)
The problem related to the Lambs and Wolves quest is affecting more and more Diablo 4 players. In our guide you will learn how to fix it quickly.

Diablo 4 is famous for defeating huge waves of enemies, hundreds of items of different types of rarity and exciting quests. However, sometimes these missions can be memorable not for their strengths, but for their bugs. That’s what happened with Lambs and Wolves, which for many players does not work properly and cannot be completed. Fortunately, in our guide you will find the answer how to quickly fix this and continue to enjoy the game.
Diablo 4 – Lambs and Wolves Easy Fix Explained
Lambs and Wolves is a quest that at a certain stage requires players to go to the reinforced door. Despite the fact that the characters are even facing them, the game does not count this step as completed and does not give new quest markers. This problem affects a large number of players, especially since their population increased tremendously after the successful addition of Diablo 4 to the Game Pass service. Fortunately, we know the solution to this problem.
You need to leave the door. The best solution is to teleport to the city. Once you've done that, teleport back to a place near the quest location.
However, if you still have a problem with passing this stage of the mission, then try the same solution several times. Sometimes you may need more attempts to succeed. Hopefully, with the next hotfix, this problem will be solved by the game developers and players won't have to repeat all these steps to be able to properly move the task forward.