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Essays 31 July 2024, 01:25

Another World. 20 classic PC games for Android and iPhone

Table of Contents

  1. Price: ?$3.99
  2. In a nutshell: An innovative adventure / platform game that remains iconic to this day

Today, Another World looks like a game made in paint, but more than thirty years ago this title was sweeping everyone off their feet. And without a 3D accelerator! Yes, graphically this item has definitely not stood the test of time, but it can still be appreciated for its innovative approach, set design and animations.

We play as a young physicist, Lester, who, while experimenting with a particle accelerator, falls victim to an unlikely accident – his facility is struck by lightning, resulting in the hero being transported to another world. The scientist's new situation proves regrettable, as he ends up as a slave of an unknown race. This is where we start the game that many players remember to this day.

The core of the gameplay is to eliminate opponents and solve logic puzzles. Another World, however, deserves special attention because of the plot, which has some really enjoyable twists. Unfortunately, while the mobile port devices works brilliantly, it doesn't do so well when it comes to controls. That's why I strongly recommend getting a controller. Alternatively, prepare for intense finger gymnastics.

  1. You can find another World on Google Play

Patrick Manelski

Patrick Manelski

A fanatic of MMO-games, who's lost in the fantasy world. He won't say no to a good book or TV series.


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