RollerCoaster Tycoon Classic. 20 classic PC games for Android and iPhone
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- Price: $5.99
- In a nutshell: we build an amusement park in which the main attraction are rollercoasters

RollerCoaster Tycoon Classic should be of interest not only to those who fondly remember the PC original. If by some miracle you don't know this game, let me inform you that it's a title in which we build an amusement park with numerous attractions. Some of them, such as rollercoasters, can be designed from scratch. To put up more facilities, expand existing ones, and pay staff to, among other things, clean up litter and repair broken machinery, money is needed. Revenue is provided mainly by the park visitors. That's why it's crucial to care about their satisfaction.
Porting this game, which is several years old, to portable devices took quite a bit of effort - the game code had to be rewritten from scratch. However, it definitely paid off. The mobile port presents high quality and is packed to the brim with content. There are almost 100 maps waiting to be completed here.
The graphic design has been transferred 1 to 1 from the PC version. On the portables, the only thing that looks poor is the scaling of the view. After a strong zoom out, the image doesn't look good. The interface, however, is completely new. The touch control was well designed. The new tools don't disrupt the gameplay. They create the illusion of always being present in this production. Thanks to this, the game's controls prove to be extremely intuitive.