Fallout London: How to get to Angel Lab? Fallout London guide, tips
Angel Lab is a mysterious location in the northern part of the capital, which you will visit while completing the Heavenslayer quest in Fallout London. On this page, we'll tell you how to get a gas mask, how to get to Bank of England, and how to reach Angel Underground Station.
Last update: 12 August 2024
Heavenslayer is a very long and multi-part main quest in Fallout London. Its culmination is a visit to the Angel Lab - a complex managed by the mysterious Mr. Smythe. On this page, we will guide you through all the challenges related to the quest, tell you how to find the gas mask that is crucial for this mission, and show you how to reach key locations.
- How to unlock the Heavenslayer quest?
- How to reach the Imperial War Museum?
- How to reach the Bank of England?
- How to take over the Bank of England and find the keys?
- How to get to Hackney?
- How to get to Islington?
- How to solve the terminal puzzle?
- How to get to Angel Station?
- How to get through Angel Underground Station?
- How to stop the self-destruction countdown at Angel Lab?
How to unlock the Heavenslayer quest?

You start the Heavenslayer quest during a conversation with Lazarus, right after completing the Cold Case mission (you can read more about it on the Where to find Lazarus? page).

The rescued Ghoul will tell you valuable information about the Angel Station Laboratory, but he will also warn you about the poisonous gas in the area. To have any chance of surviving in such a dangerous environment, you will need to acquire a Gas Mask. The easiest way to obtain one will be to reach an agreement with the Tommies military faction.
The updated quest marker will mark a new objective on your map - Tommies outpost in the Imperial War Museum.
How to reach the Imperial War Museum?

The Tommies headquarters at the Imperial War Museum are located in the southern part of London, south-west of London Bridge. The path to the destination is not too dangerous or complicated, so at this stage of the game you shouldn't have problems.

At the military base, follow the quest marker to Colonel Major. After a short conversation, the soldier will take you to his superior. Follow him to General Asquith's office.

The military will agree to lend you a mask if, in return, you eliminate the bandits at the Bank of England. The mission log will be updated and the location of the building in question will appear on your map.
Before heading to the Bank of England, you can complete an optional mission objective: recruiting people. To do this, go to the Sanctuary - you visited it in one of the previous quests. Talk to Frenchman there.

You won't have to ask the cleric twice. After a short conversation, he will agree to help you. You will meet his team just before the bank's entrance. We recommend you use their help, because the Bank is heavily guarded, and additional companions will make it much easier for you to get it.
How to reach the Bank of England?

Before you get to the bank building, you will have to get there by passing through the underground Monument Underground Station located in the central part of London.

The location is filled with bandits, so be careful as you go deeper and deeper into the tunnels. Also watch your step, because from time to time you will come across cleverly hidden traps.

Monument Underground Station itself is quite linear. After a long tunnel filled with enemies, you will come to a corner with a ticket gate and stairs going down. Be careful, because the ticket gate is connected to a trap and a flamethrower! We advise you to open it and then sprint through the flames.

One level below you will enter a subway station filled with enemies. Once you defeat them, you will have to choose one out of the two tunnels. The one on the left will take you to an open space just below the Bank of England building.
If you asked Frenchman for help earlier, you will meet him and his companions right after leaving the tunnel.
How to take over the Bank of England and find the keys?

Once you get rid of the bandits in front of the entrance to the building, you can go inside. When you first visit the Bank of England, you will surely notice that most doors leading to subsequent segments require a key. In total, you need 4 keys and access cards. These are:
- Bank of England Key;
- Bank Pindar Key Card;
- Bank Vault Key Card;
- Bank Manager Key.
Detailed instructions and a description of how to find each of them is on a separate page of our Fallout London guide - Where to find keys in the Bank of England?. Use the tips provided there to move efficiently through the complex network of rooms and corridors.

Once you have opened all parts of the building and defeated the bandit leader (Moneybags Sullivan), you can head to the vault located behind the cash registers. Inside you will find not only a lot of gold bars, but also a new companion - Kiera. More information about her can be found on the How to recruit Kiera? page.
Once you have completed all the challenges in the Bank of England, your quest journal will be updated and you will be able to return to Tommies HQ to collect your reward.
How to get to Hackney?

Use the passage in the Monument Underground Station to return to the main London map, then go back to the Imperial War Museum. Report to Colonel Major. In exchange for your help you will receive a gas mask. The updated mission log will now direct you to Islington, where Angel Lab is located.
It is worth noting that Islington itself is not part of the main London map, but is a separate map that you must first reach. However, the road to the northernmost district leads through another - Hackney.

The gate to Hackney is far away on the northern edge of the main map. Be careful when approaching it, as the area is heavily guarded by a large group of bandits.
Next to the gate to Hackney you will also find another potential companion - Arthur Mountbatten. You can find out more about him on the How to recruit Arthur Mountbatten? guide page.

Pass through the gate and enter Hackney.
How to get to Islington?

Although your only goal during the Heavenslayer quest in Hackney is to get from point A to point B in Hackney, you will also get a new quest called Hurly Burly. You can either devote your time to it or head towards the passage to Islington to follow the main quest.

The passage is located in the sewers, which you can get to by entering a small alley between the buildings (behind the red door). The mission indicator on the map will help you locate that place.

In the sewers, use the right passage leading slightly down (the door in front is locked). You'll encounter some feral ghouls along the way, so keep your weapons ready.

In a large, flooded room, you have to swim a short distance to get further (reach the left bank). If you have a radiation-protective clothing, wear it .

Use the door on the left side of the room and then proceed through a linear segment consisting of long corridors and ladders. After the second ladder, you will come across a shelf with a key to the main door of the sewer system. Take it.

After going through the next door, you will come across the closed grates from the beginning of the location. Open them and move on.

Continue your journey until you come across a room with a terminal and buttons.
How to solve the terminal puzzle?

To open the door leading further, you will need to solve a simple puzzle. Activate the terminal on the desk and crack its security (it's on NOVICE level so any character can do it). Select the "[Door Code]" entry from the available notes. You will learn that the door code is 1922.

Go to the buttons to the right of the terminal. Pressing each of them will increase the value on the board directly above the button by 1. Enter the combination 1922 to open the door nearby.

After defeating a few ghouls, you will finally be able to leave the sewers and enter the streets of Islington.
How to get to Angel Station?

After going outside, you will have to find the entrance to Angel Station. However, this task is not that easy, because the area marked on the map is fortified on all sides by a high wall separating the contaminated areas from the rest of the city.

Head to the location shown on the map above. There you will find a passage in the palisade through which you will enter the restricted zone.

The narrow alley leading to the station can be found in the place shown in the above screenshot. This is also a place where you absolutely must put on the gas mask received from Tommies. A poisonous gas will appear in the area, which, if not blocked with a gas mask, will impose a negative status called Tunnel Cough and then quickly kill your character.

As you head towards the quest marker, you will pass numerous NPCs suffering from Tunnel Cough. They are not aggressive unless you provoke them.

When you finally reach Angel Underground Station, go inside.
How to get through Angel Underground Station?

The first section of Angel Underground Station is quite linear. Your task here is to keep going straight, deep into the tunnels.

Along the way you will also encounter a new enemy type - Blank Clone. They are quite durable and in a larger group they can easily overwhelm the player, so try to eliminate them while hiding and use a ranged weapon whenever possible.

At some point you will come across the door to the Angel Lab protected by automatic turrets. However, the gate will be blocked. Go through the derailed subway cars visible deep in the tunnel. As you walk through them, Mr. or Ms. Smythe will speak to you.

After leaving the wagon, you will find yourself in a large room resembling a warehouse. The entrance to the laboratory is located to the right of the derailed wagon and is protected by a single enemy (Angel Conscript).

Inside the scientific facility, you will encounter more groups of enemies. Once you reach the machinery room and branching corridors, you can take a moment to explore the rooms. Here you will also unlock the door leading to the subway tunnels that we mentioned earlier.

Once you have visited all the rooms, go to the one with the stairs. You can open the door at its end by interacting with the palm scanner on the right.

In the tall room, use the elevator on the right. Move all the way down, defeat the enemies, and then approach the door. They will open after using the terminal nearby. At this point the countdown to the lab's self-destruction will also begin.
How to stop the self-destruction countdown at Angel Lab?

In a dynamic countdown sequence, your task will be to get to the other end of the room and activate a device that will stop the timer.

However, a group of strong opponents will stand in your way - Super Clones. They are not extremely durable, but they deal a lot of damage with their melee attacks. Try to keep them at a distance and attack them with firearms.

After defeating the Super Clones, quickly go to the other end of the room and activate the machinery. Not only will it stop the countdown, but it will also cure you of the Lab Rat debuff that you received at the beginning of the game (more about starting debuffs can be found here). Getting rid of Lab Rat will also end the On the mend quest that has been going on almost since the beginning of the game.

After disabling the lab's self-destruct, Mr.or Ms. Smythe will speak to you again. After listening to the speech, the mission log will show you the exit route through the tunnel.

The tunnel leads to King's Cross station. Heavenslayer quest will be completed and another story mission will appear in your journal - Lay of the Land.

The exit from the station is to the right of the stairs you used to exit the tunnel. It will take you to the northern edge of the main map of London.