Batman: Arkham City Game Guide
Why so serious? This guide to Batman: Arkham City contains a very thorough walkthrough of the main story mode of the game.
Last update: 11 May 2016
This guide to Batman: Arkham City contains a very thorough walkthrough of the main story mode of the game. Most importantly, you can find precise instructions regarding completing missions, reaching important locations and safely moving through them and what gadgets you will need to complete the puzzles prepared by the creators. A considerable portion of the guide has been dedicated to the issue of effective elimination of enemies. Descriptions of the main fights include hints on efficient methods of taking care of your opponents, including the elite types. In case of the more stealthy missions, a big part of the description refers to the rooms and how to safely get through them. The guide of course also contains very detailed descriptions of boss battles which can get pretty complicated in the later part of the game. The whole is aided by a big number of screens, helpful in navigating through Arkham City.

Additional notes
The guide contains the following colour symbols:
Red refers mainly to characters appearing throughout the game, regardless of whether they're friendly or hostile towards you. Additionally this colour informs of enemy flying machines and proximity mines that you might come across occasionally.
Blue refers to locations visited by Batman, both main buildings in Arkham City (like the museum) and single rooms (e.g. the torture chamber).
Green refers to items found or received during the game, mainly new gadgets and items connected with the story.
Orange refers to special moves and skill of Batman (e.g. the Inverted Takedown), as well as his gadgets (e.g. the Cryptographic Sequencer). In the latter case, a proper symbol appears each time you have choose a given gadget from your inventory.
Jacek "Stranger" Halas
Translated to English by Jakub "cilgan" Lasota
About Batman: Arkham City Game Guide
Author : Jacek "Stranger" Halas for
Translator : Jakub "Cilgan" Lasota
last update :
Guide contains : 129 pages, 2763 images.
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Batman: Arkham City Video Game
- genre: Action
- developer: RockSteady Studios
- publisher: Warner Bros Interactive Entertainment
- platform: PC, XBOX360, PS3
- rated: PEGI: Age 16+ / ESRB: Teen
- RockSteady Studios - Developer Website.
- Warner Bros Interactive Entertainment - Publisher Website.
- Batman: Arkham City - Official Website.
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