Most popular News of 2021

Bang-On Balls: Chronicles Launches in Early Access
Bart Swiatek, 03 March 2021, 09:51
Bang-On Balls: Chronicles will debut today in Steam's early access program. We also learned the system requirements for this title.

Battlefield 2042 Devs in Trouble; EA DICE Taking Flak From Employees
Hubert Sledziewski, 20 November 2021, 18:40
Former and current EA DICE employees regularly describe conditions within the company. Their testimonies go some way to explaining the poor technical condition and flaws in the mechanics of Battlefield 2042.

The Sinking City Devs Accuse Publisher of Pirating Their Game [UPDATED]
Przemyslaw Dygas, 03 March 2021, 11:23
A few days ago The Sinking City was published without the developers' permission on Steam. Now they have accused the publisher of pirating their game.

Gaming at 10240x1440 - Here's The Ultimate Rig for Trucks and Racing
Bart Swiatek, 03 March 2021, 12:50
One of the players prepared a racing game station consisting of three monitors and a number of additional accessories, the position of which can be changed depending on the needs.

Crusader Kings 3 Patch Adds Poem Tortures
Milosz Szubert, 03 March 2021, 14:54
We've learned about another new feature that's coming to Crusader Kings 3 with update 1.3. It's about the option to create poetry, including terrifyingly bad poetry. In addition, we received a small insight into the fixes offered by the upcoming patch.

Valorant Update Adds New Character, Changes Ranking System
Michal Ciezadlik, 03 March 2021, 14:48
Valorant received a major update yesterday, marked as 2.04. Among the new features added to Riot Games' FPS, the most notable is a new character - Astra. In addition, we'll also see changes in the ranking system.

Battlefield 6 Rumored to be Set in Kazakhstan
Adrian Werner, 03 March 2021, 12:03
New rumors claim that Kazakhstan will be the setting of Battlefied 6. This isn't the first time this country has appeared in speculation about this project, which suggests that something may be up.

Mark Hamill Describes Joker Role As a Gift From Heaven
Adrian Piotrowski, 03 March 2021, 12:23
Mark Hamill stated on his twitter profile that the role of the Joker was a gift from heaven for him as it enabled him to play someone completely different from Luke Skywalker.

Cut-scene Instead of Jump, Outriders Devs Explain Unusual Solution
Bart Swiatek, 03 March 2021, 11:01
Developers from People Can Fly decided to explain what is the purpose of numerous animated cut-scenes in Outriders, which drew the attention of some players.

Fall Guys Devs Acquired by Epic Games
Adrian Werner, 03 March 2021, 10:35
Mediatonic, the developers of the popular Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockdown, have been acquired by Epic Games. The game is still to be sold via Steam.

Henry Cavill Teases a Secret Project? Looks Like It's Mass Effect
Karol Laska, 24 February 2021, 19:14
Henry Cavill bragged on social media about his photo suggesting work on the next project. Members of our editorial team have determined that it is most likely Mass Effect - this is suggested by the piece of text visible in the photograph.

Patch 1.5 for Cyberpunk 2077 and Future of The Witcher - News From CD Projekt
Miriam Moszczynska, 26 November 2021, 11:50
Adam Kicinski shared information on the future of CD Projekt RED's two biggest games - The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and Cyberpunk 2077. We're still awaiting next-gen versions of both.

Several Bethesda Games Will Get 60 FPS Patch on Xbox Series X|S
Paul Musiolik, 13 March 2021, 16:29
Microsoft has announced the release of an update for TES V: Skyrim, Fallout 4, Fallout 76, Prey and Dishonored: Definitive Edition that will enable gaming at 60 fps on Xbox Series X|S.

Crash Bandicoot 4 PC System Requirements Revealed
Adrian Piotrowski, 13 March 2021, 16:22
We go to know the system requirements for the PC version of Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time, which will be released on March 26, 2021.

Euro Truck Simulator 2 Iberia DLC Map and New Screenshots
Milosz Szubert, 11 March 2021, 15:38
SCS Software released a map showing all the cities we'll be able to visit in the upcoming Iberia expansion for Euro Truck Simulator 2. In addition, we've got a few screenshots showing the virtual version of Porto.

PS5 Becomes the Best-selling Console in US History
Paul Musiolik, 13 March 2021, 16:45
The NPD Group reports that the PlayStation 5 is now the best-selling console in U.S. history when considering total sales in USD during the first four months after its debut on the market.

Valheim Players Started Building Structures to Kill Monsters Faster
Adrian Piotrowski, 13 March 2021, 20:05
The creativity of Valheim players doesn't stop at replicating various pop culture works. Two Internet users boasted about their achievements in the field of mass killing monsters.

Crysis Remastered Update on PC Adds DLSS Support
Paul Musiolik, 13 March 2021, 16:05
The latest update for the remastered Crysis on PC brings the implementation of DLSS 2.0 technology, allowing for performance gains of up to 40%.

Texas is the Next Stop in American Truck Simulator
Adrian Piotrowski, 13 March 2021, 17:17
SCS Software, the Czech studio responsible for the popular truck simulator series, has announced the next expansion for American Truck Simulator. This time players will be able to travel to Texas.

Nvidia's New Technology Cuts Lag in Overwatch by Up to 50%
Adrian Piotrowski, 13 March 2021, 16:32
Overwatch players can test a new technology called Reflex. Created by Nvidia, the facility allows for reduction of system lag by up to 50 percent.